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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 28, 2009
Hey there,

new to the forums. But i have an emergency. i foolishly installed MMs 2G from Cydia on my 2.2.1 iphone 3G. Since the cydia package didnt have a description and everything i thought by the name it would be for mms on the 2g or 2.X.X firmwares.

So now my iphone wont boot. Its obviously had something installed thats specific for 3.0 and now the phone wont boot. Its not recognized by itunes. i cant ssh into it because nothing loads up.

I see the apple logo when its booting and it stays for about ten minutes and seems like it shuts off and trys to boot again.

is there some key combination that will let it boot in a safe mode that i can connect it to itunes or something?

PLS help im so screwed if this has no solution.
thanks soooo much i couldnt remember what that was called. good karma for you
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