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The TV Frog

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 21, 2008
I am new to facebook, but I have 7 friends that show up on the normal version of the site and only 4 that show up when I go to iphone.facebook. Even when I go to the normal site on my iphone all 7 show up. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there something I can do to get them to all show up or does my iphone just not like my friends :(
I'd say that's a problem with Facebook's iPhone-tailored site more than your iPhone itself. Haven't noticed any missing friends on mine, but then again I mostly use it for checking my wall/replying to messages.
I think that is the case as well. I can't find a way to contact the people at Facebook, however. I also wonder if there is some sort of settings that I need to address in facebook. Iphone.Facebook is very striped down and the regular facebook doesn't mention anything about the iphone version.

Anyone else have any thoughts?
Same Problem

Having the same problem myself, except the only friends that show up on the iphone app are the ones that I actually add through the iphone.
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