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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 27, 2008
hi all

ok a weird one. i was attempting to set up an exchange email account on my 8gig 2.02 3g iphone and it asked my to put in a passcode.

the thing is in general settings i am missing:
'passcode lock'
(seriously they are simply not there)

i also appear to be missing a couple of the reset options.

i did do a fair bit of google searching but i couldn't find anyone else with this oddness.

i've reset the phone a couple of times and i've done a backup and restore. none of these things seem to have had any impact on my missing options.

any ideas anyone?

thanks in advance.
Restore, no backup

ah, thanks. i'll try that when i get home. i do find it to be an odd have missing options out of the phone's general settings. i know i can't really compare but of all the macs and ipods i've had over the years most problems i could logically explain.
did you have any joy? - my boss has just had this happen to him, ideally would want to retain all his info/contacts etc.
I had the same problem. I restored (not from backup), re-jailbroke, and started installing my usual programs (SBSettings, Spotbright, five icon dock, five icon springboard), and then checked the settings app, and they are missing certain options again!!

Anyone know what's up with this and how to fix it?
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