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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 27, 2009
I realised that my iphone 3G (which is brand new got 7 months back) was in washer by mistake (along with cloths by) and while changing cloths from washer to dry I noticed. It was power on stage initially.

Its was completely powerdown after I took it from washer. I had the leather case and the screen protector.

I made it completly dry the iphone (4 hours) just like that without taking the screws or so. I tried after that it did not wpoer on.

After that I have kept in rice. Not sure how much of other things I need to do. Do I need to unscrew the parts (needless toaask but still?) How much of the leather protector or screen protector helps?

Please give your suggestions.....:confused:
Four hours? How is anything supposed to dry out that quickly? Try more like four DAYS, You should put the phone in a warm dry place, and maybe it into a bag of rice or silica gel. And leave it there for a few days to ensure all the moisture is gone. If you try turning it while there is moisture present you could short circuit the phone and make it even worse. Good luck to you, I hope it works again. :)
I know 4 hours is short and I need more days.
But not sure if I leave as it too, will be dry as its completely sealed right?
Just wanted to know how it will dry if its kept in rice or dry place, it may dry the outer part/body, but since its sealed so tightly will it really dry inside. Just curious. I can try for more days that is not a problem and hope for better AND BTW will not turn on for next few days the phone.
Ugh I know that feeling all to well....

I've had phones, thumbdrives, cameras, etc go through laundry, my latest being a thumbdrive that went through a commercial washer and dryer and magically survived!

Here's what I've done to save devices and it works (hopefully it works for you too!)

get a dish towel, disassemble as much as you can SAFELY and lay it on the dishtowel ON TOP OF the oven. (Not IN the oven!!!) Turn the oven on and let it there for as long as you can. (Please dont burn the house down :) ). Ive done this several days at a time for 6 - 7 hours a day. It evaporates the water out safely just make sure the electronics don't get too hot and remember to move them around a bit.
Ive done this several days at a time for 6 - 7 hours a day.

And added 200.00 to the electric bill in the process :rolleyes:

Continue with the rice trick for a day or so, it wont require that you run your stove for 48 hours and has a proven track record for sucking the moisture out of your phone and reviving it back to the living. If the phone doesn't come on after a good amount of time in rice then its likely that the battery is dead and needs to be charged. However, you really need to make sure it's DRY before attempting to charge/turn it on.

Also, if you're still under warranty, the 199 + tax option to replace the phone isn't THAT hard of a pill to swallow. It also gives peace of mind.
You really need to use Silica Gel, this is the most absorbent material commercially available on the market. There is a reason this is used in every brand new piece of electronics.

Just put a handful of these Silica Gel Packets in a zip lock bag with your phone and leave it there for 2-3 days. Then remove the phone and the Silica Gel would have pulled the moisture from the components of the phone.

Just google the terms Silica Gel Packets and there are several companies offering!
I realised that my iphone 3G (which is brand new got 7 months back) was in washer by mistake (along with cloths by) and while changing cloths from washer to dry I noticed. It was power on stage initially.

Its was completely powerdown after I took it from washer. I had the leather case and the screen protector.

I made it completly dry the iphone (4 hours) just like that without taking the screws or so. I tried after that it did not wpoer on.

After that I have kept in rice. Not sure how much of other things I need to do. Do I need to unscrew the parts (needless toaask but still?) How much of the leather protector or screen protector helps?

Please give your suggestions.....:confused:

If You are lucky enough.. You might get the NEW 3gs for Your 3g. Seems like recently more and more people get 3gs insted of 3g. It will cost You $213 though. Still better than damaged phone. I washed my 3gs and got 3gs of course.
Just a thought here
(and, btw, I'm sorry to hear about your phone), but I bring more bad news in the way of the possibility of it working again (Sorry)

IF you completely dry the phone out (PS: QUIT turning it on!!! Let it go for like a week, dude!)
IF it completely dries out, there was SOAP in the washer, was there not?
Wouldn't that do some further damage that water alone wouldn't be the culprit of?

Just a question

Good luck though!!! :(
I bring even more bad news...

My phone was wet, fortunately no soap was involved. I did the drying of rice, Silica, towels, etc for days. Days and months later it worked fine. Now, I'm experiencing all sorts of problems... Apps misfire, Apps close unexpectedly, phone crashes, etc.

I've restored the phone twice in 4 days. My conclusion: get your phone wet and it's ruined. Just trying to decide how to tell my wife I need to spend $200 for a replacement.
My wife put my iPhone through a complete wash cycle. It was in my back jeans pocket. I looked online and saw the rice suggestion. I put it in a ziplock bag with the rice, set it out on my deck in the sun where it was 105 degrees. Then I just put it in the house, still in the rice, overnight. With fingers crossed, I plugged it in the next morning. The Apple logo appeared and it started charging. That was about 7 weeks ago and it is still working perfect. I still can't believe it. Good Luck!
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