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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 8, 2016
I am a college student with a credit score of 0 (no credit history). I recently got a credit card; however, I have not yet made any payments on it (haven't used it at all). Will I be able to participate in the iPhone Installment Program?

I haven't been able to find an answer to this anywhere.

Chew Toy McCoy

macrumors regular
May 13, 2016
Just guessing, but I would think no. College students with no credit history is probably one of the top high risk demographics. These are the same people who squirm over a full price Apple Music subscription. I can't see Apple wanting to open that floodgate of write offs. I could be wrong though.


macrumors 68020
Apr 14, 2010
Just guessing, but I would think no. College students with no credit history is probably one of the top high risk demographics. I can't see Apple wanting to open that floodgate of write offs. I could be wrong though.

Apple isn't taking the risk, Citizens Bank is, plus the fact that the payments need to be guaranteed by CC and the phone has to be activated with a carrier reduces their risk considerably. I read many stories last year of people with poor to no credit getting approved along with stories of people with awesome credit getting denied. Can't hurt to try.


macrumors newbie
Oct 28, 2015
If you use Apple credit via PayPal the answer will be no. If you go via the education site you maybe able to get Barclays finance which are generally quite good


macrumors 604
Jun 19, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Lots of denials were flying around last year so it's not the easiest thing to get into. I'd say you are a high risk candidate and will be denied.
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