Strange thing happened today. I was having trouble connecting to tethering via Bluetooth so I decided to plug in with the USB connector and tether that way. Everything started working as usual but then I got an error message from iTunes: "Unable to sync all music and video 1.28GB available".
So I went into the iPhone section of iTunes to have a look to see if I could figure out what was going on. The capacity bar showed Photos: 24.1MB - Apps: 167.45MB - Other: 14.87GB - Free 1.37GB. The music and video had disappeared and was now somehow showing as Other.
So I decided to disconnect the phone and try rebooting everything - no change.
I ended up having to do a full restore on my iPhone (its still updating and syncing as I write this now).
Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know what may have caused it? If it happens again is there anyway to get the iPhone to recognize that the "Other" is actually the "Music and Video"?

So I went into the iPhone section of iTunes to have a look to see if I could figure out what was going on. The capacity bar showed Photos: 24.1MB - Apps: 167.45MB - Other: 14.87GB - Free 1.37GB. The music and video had disappeared and was now somehow showing as Other.
So I decided to disconnect the phone and try rebooting everything - no change.
I ended up having to do a full restore on my iPhone (its still updating and syncing as I write this now).
Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know what may have caused it? If it happens again is there anyway to get the iPhone to recognize that the "Other" is actually the "Music and Video"?