I was surprised at the lack of an iPhone MacRumors app, so I've thought of developing one. Just a few questions to anyone who's interested.
Firstly, most important features? I was debating whether to make a simplistic app to read Page 1 and 2 news features, maybe read comments. Or is there a lot of interest in full forum capability?
Secondly, If I develop it, it would have to be published under my developer account. I was considering an ad supported app, with ad revenue contributing towards MacRumors donations, but can't think of how this'll work.
Don't expect an app next week or anything, but it's on my mind. Just looking for feedback concerning features, ie. minimalistic vs feature rich. And just how many would actually be interested in it.
I was surprised at the lack of an iPhone MacRumors app, so I've thought of developing one. Just a few questions to anyone who's interested.
Firstly, most important features? I was debating whether to make a simplistic app to read Page 1 and 2 news features, maybe read comments. Or is there a lot of interest in full forum capability?
Secondly, If I develop it, it would have to be published under my developer account. I was considering an ad supported app, with ad revenue contributing towards MacRumors donations, but can't think of how this'll work.
Don't expect an app next week or anything, but it's on my mind. Just looking for feedback concerning features, ie. minimalistic vs feature rich. And just how many would actually be interested in it.