Hey all, haven't gotten too deep into the devkit or xcode yet, so thought I'd throw a general question out to the geniuses...
We've got a game were prototyping for xboxlive, 2 player (networked).
Wondering if its possible to do this type of multiplayer in the iphone environment? IE: peer to peer game networking or possibly client/server networking.
If needed, wifi could be mandatory. Who knows, we'll see how the 3g version stacks with connectivity.
Anyone have anything they've tried like this (2 iphones accessing same datasets at once?)
Its a quick response type of game, but NOT a shooter or move your character type thing, more card game style, so lag is an issue, but not to the extent a shooter or multiplayer platformer would have.
Thanking you in advance for anyone's thoughts...
We've got a game were prototyping for xboxlive, 2 player (networked).
Wondering if its possible to do this type of multiplayer in the iphone environment? IE: peer to peer game networking or possibly client/server networking.
If needed, wifi could be mandatory. Who knows, we'll see how the 3g version stacks with connectivity.
Anyone have anything they've tried like this (2 iphones accessing same datasets at once?)
Its a quick response type of game, but NOT a shooter or move your character type thing, more card game style, so lag is an issue, but not to the extent a shooter or multiplayer platformer would have.
Thanking you in advance for anyone's thoughts...