The phone has been more sluggish in general, but the network issues are the big problem. I'm wondering if anyone in the homebrew community has developed better network management than Apple, which I'm pretty sure is the problem.
1) I'll stand in one spot in downtown San Francisco. I will have full 3G bars. Then it will change to full Edge bars. Then it will be full bars, with no 3G or Edge. Then it will say "searching"... it will cycle through all these options. I'm not talking about walking around, I'm not talking about in a building, I mean outdoors.
2) I'll try to load a web page showing full 3G or Edge bars, and it will hang.
3) It will say "searching" for network for a really long time... like it tries once a minute, and if it doesn't get a ping back, it will wait a minute or 30 seconds. If I turn on Airplane mode, wait 3 seconds, and turn it off, it will quickly look and find a network until it loses it again.
4) Sometimes holding the power button and main button to a point where it says it's going to reset (but stopping before it does by hitting cancel) will have the same effect.
Long story short, the iphone or AT&T is horrible at grabbing and maintaining a network connection. It often reports a positive network connection that isn't there, and reports that it is searching or claim "no connection" when I know one is there, and going into airplane mode and back tends to fix it.
My guess is Apple set it this way to preserve battery life - it's probably going to use less battery to look for a network every 30 seconds as opposed to every 5 seconds. But I want to fix it.
Does anyone else have similar issues or experiences?
1) I'll stand in one spot in downtown San Francisco. I will have full 3G bars. Then it will change to full Edge bars. Then it will be full bars, with no 3G or Edge. Then it will say "searching"... it will cycle through all these options. I'm not talking about walking around, I'm not talking about in a building, I mean outdoors.
2) I'll try to load a web page showing full 3G or Edge bars, and it will hang.
3) It will say "searching" for network for a really long time... like it tries once a minute, and if it doesn't get a ping back, it will wait a minute or 30 seconds. If I turn on Airplane mode, wait 3 seconds, and turn it off, it will quickly look and find a network until it loses it again.
4) Sometimes holding the power button and main button to a point where it says it's going to reset (but stopping before it does by hitting cancel) will have the same effect.
Long story short, the iphone or AT&T is horrible at grabbing and maintaining a network connection. It often reports a positive network connection that isn't there, and reports that it is searching or claim "no connection" when I know one is there, and going into airplane mode and back tends to fix it.
My guess is Apple set it this way to preserve battery life - it's probably going to use less battery to look for a network every 30 seconds as opposed to every 5 seconds. But I want to fix it.
Does anyone else have similar issues or experiences?