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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 14, 2009
I have a jailbroken iphone and its unlocked to t-mobile.
Yesterday was fine it syncd to the computer as a camera or something and itunes was well.

This morning i plugged it in the phone did turn on but it didnt charge! or open itunes or anything isnt being red by the pc at all.

Only thing i did was install some apps from either top free app store or some other games

I plugged it into a vista laptop /without itunes and it started charging as suppose!

I cant really use that laptop so what can i do??

Also im using Windows XP SP2

Also i tried restarting apple mobile services and no luck, also iphone isnt in my device manager
Sometimes it helps to try a different USB port on the PC, make sure it is a high-powered one.

If you used a different cable when you connected to the laptop, try that same cable on the XP machine.
I use the same cord and i have put it in all the slots...

Also i plugged it in a generic usb hub I belive its charging then again i dont.

SHows a black screen with battery with charge symbol

and when i unplug it it shows a plug+ charge symbol

but really isnt increasing in battery .

but still isnt being red

I think i diagnosed the problem!

But its funny and weird..

I Unplugged like i was told ~Moi un Mouton

Plugged into a usb port and funny i heard the sync noice/charging noise.

I figured some odd reason evertime i plugged it into the computer it didnt get pushed in all the way..

causing it not to work...also i cant really move the phone around in this condtion too.

Looks likes buying a wall charger seems the way to go..

Thanks ~Moi un Mouton
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