A couple of questions as my iphone (2G) is on it's way.
The IPhone is not unlocked running 2.1. Assuming I want to unlock it and use T-Mobile, what exactly do I have to do?
1. What do I need? I don't have iTunes on my computer, I guess I'll need that? Is iTunes required for syncing music and what not? (is using Vista)
2. Do I have to jailbreak to unlock? Or can I JUST unlock it?
3. Once unlocked, is there a way to change it back to it's unlocked state?
4. I got the phone off ebay, which comes with the apple care warranty, if I unlock it, I'm going to guess that will be void...but if there IS a way to relock it, will the warranty still work?
5. How easy is it to unlock and get everything working?
6. Lastly, if an iphone ever gets bricked software wise, it can be fixed by myself with no problem right? As in, the only problem I'd have to worry with this phone is the possible hardware failures?
The IPhone is not unlocked running 2.1. Assuming I want to unlock it and use T-Mobile, what exactly do I have to do?
1. What do I need? I don't have iTunes on my computer, I guess I'll need that? Is iTunes required for syncing music and what not? (is using Vista)
2. Do I have to jailbreak to unlock? Or can I JUST unlock it?
3. Once unlocked, is there a way to change it back to it's unlocked state?
4. I got the phone off ebay, which comes with the apple care warranty, if I unlock it, I'm going to guess that will be void...but if there IS a way to relock it, will the warranty still work?
5. How easy is it to unlock and get everything working?
6. Lastly, if an iphone ever gets bricked software wise, it can be fixed by myself with no problem right? As in, the only problem I'd have to worry with this phone is the possible hardware failures?