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Original poster
Oct 1, 2008
A couple of questions as my iphone (2G) is on it's way.

The IPhone is not unlocked running 2.1. Assuming I want to unlock it and use T-Mobile, what exactly do I have to do?

1. What do I need? I don't have iTunes on my computer, I guess I'll need that? Is iTunes required for syncing music and what not? (is using Vista)

2. Do I have to jailbreak to unlock? Or can I JUST unlock it?

3. Once unlocked, is there a way to change it back to it's unlocked state?

4. I got the phone off ebay, which comes with the apple care warranty, if I unlock it, I'm going to guess that will be void...but if there IS a way to relock it, will the warranty still work?

5. How easy is it to unlock and get everything working? :p

6. Lastly, if an iphone ever gets bricked software wise, it can be fixed by myself with no problem right? As in, the only problem I'd have to worry with this phone is the possible hardware failures?
A couple of questions as my iphone (2G) is on it's way.

The IPhone is not unlocked running 2.1. Assuming I want to unlock it and use T-Mobile, what exactly do I have to do?

1. What do I need? I don't have iTunes on my computer, I guess I'll need that? Is iTunes required for syncing music and what not? (is using Vista)

2. Do I have to jailbreak to unlock? Or can I JUST unlock it?

3. Once unlocked, is there a way to change it back to it's unlocked state?

4. I got the phone off ebay, which comes with the apple care warranty, if I unlock it, I'm going to guess that will be void...but if there IS a way to relock it, will the warranty still work?

5. How easy is it to unlock and get everything working? :p

6. Lastly, if an iphone ever gets bricked software wise, it can be fixed by myself with no problem right? As in, the only problem I'd have to worry with this phone is the possible hardware failures?

Just went through this myself-bought a 2G for use in Canada-(and just tried it out tonight on my friend's T-mobile-all worked, EDGE/Internet, Phone Calls, and SMS)

1: You need itunes-I would also get quickpwn for Windows (though I am a MAC user, so not sure what the difference is between the versions-assume very little)

2: I do NOT think you can just unlock-you can, however, JB and unlock, then restore original Apple firmware resulting in a non-JB, but unlocked, phone.

3: As far as I can tell, you can't undo the unlock. I may be incorrect here, but the modem baseband is rewritten and I have never heard of a software to remove the unlock.

4: Dunno-I think if you unlock the warranty is gone... It being an electronic device though, if it is working now it is likely okay (except possibly for the battery)

5: I actually used pwnage tool to unlock mine and it was EASY-you just need to download the basebands-the software will search the web for it-and there are many sites that host it. One is: And Quickpwn is even easier than pwnage tool-I used it to jailbreak my 3G after firmware 2.1 came out.

6: IMHO, bricked is an over used word. It really doesn't happen-the worst I have ever done on my 3G is get the picture of Steve Jobs to come up. This indicates a software failure and the remedy is to reinstall the firmware. Not a big deal. I think Apple came up with the brick term early on in the 2G days to scare people away from unlocking-hasn't seemed to help though :D
1. What do I need? I don't have iTunes on my computer, I guess I'll need that? Is iTunes required for syncing music and what not? (is using Vista)

Yes you need iTunes, and yes it is required to put music,videos,pictures etc onto the iPhone

2. Do I have to jailbreak to unlock? Or can I JUST unlock it?

Im pretty sure you have to jailbrake the phone to unlock it (someone correct me if i'm wrong)

3. Once unlocked, is there a way to change it back to it's unlocked state?

Why would you want to re-lock the phone :confused: There probably is a way but i am oblivious to it.

4. I got the phone off ebay, which comes with the apple care warranty, if I unlock it, I'm going to guess that will be void...but if there IS a way to relock it, will the warranty still work?

Makes sense, even if the phone does get a hardware problem I doubt apple are going to check to see if the phones been jailbroken/unlocked, my brother got his iPhone replaced when it had cracks on the back, it was jailbroken he still got a refurb.

5. How easy is it to unlock and get everything working? :p

Very easy, unless you can't follow simple instructions lol

6. Lastly, if an iphone ever gets bricked software wise, it can be fixed by myself with no problem right? As in, the only problem I'd have to worry with this phone is the possible hardware failures?

Yes, all you would have to do is restore the phone to the official 2.1 Fw and then just jailbreak it again etc

Hope i helped :D:p
1. You need iTunes.
2. You must do both. Ignore the jailbreak if you like.
3. Yes, just restore with regular firmware.
4. Your warrantee is only void if they catch you jailbroken or unlocked. Restore and take it to an Apple Store if you have problems.
5. Very.
6. Yes... just restore with the regular firmware.
So theoretically, if you kept your iPhone safe, it will last forever? (if software can always be restored, and say, you never drop/crack screen)
Mmm... nope. I unlocked and restored and was unable to use Centennial SIMs. I re-unlocked and they worked again.

Strange...My 2G was on 2.0.1 when i updated to 2.1 FW (non-jailbroken) I could still use my T-Mobile sim in the phone and use it as normal (make calls,text etc)

So theoretically, if you kept your iPhone safe, it will last forever? (if software can always be restored, and say, you never drop/crack screen)

Yes...i guess :confused:
I just got it, should I put my TMO sim card in before I start to unlock/jailbreak?

EDIT - I just finished JB/Unlocking with what I thought was no SIM card, apparently there WAS one inside. I swapped it with mines AFTER JB/ULing and it says different SIM detected.

What do I do?
I just got it, should I put my TMO sim card in before I start to unlock/jailbreak?

EDIT - I just finished JB/Unlocking with what I thought was no SIM card, apparently there WAS one inside. I swapped it with mines AFTER JB/ULing and it says different SIM detected.

What do I do?

Have you got this resolved yet? You could re-JB and unlock without the SIM-that is how I did mine-popped the Rogers Cellular SIM in after and it works. Never tried it with a SIM in...
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