Ok im not sure if this would be considered a iPhone problem or router problem.
Phone: 1st Gen iPhone
Problem: Basically I cant load anything when im connected to my wireless system. I cant load sites, youtube, cant connect to the itunes app eather. Ive tried restarting the router many times as well as the phone and still doesn't work. I've went to my cousins house and i can connect to his wireless no problem 3 bars pegging. But at my house its like the closer to the router the less bars i get. I can set the phone on top of the router and get 1 bar and go 20 feet to my room and get 2 bars. But no matter where i am i still can not load anything. Now it only started doing this after the 2.0 patch. Before that it was fine i could connect no problem. but after the patch it all went downhill. Also my brother also has the same problem with his 1st gen as well as my moms new 3G iPhone. My brother can use it fine at my cousins house as well. But my brother told me that at his dentist's office they have wireless in there and he can not load anything using that wireless eather. Same thing happens. So that makes me confused weather we need to get a new Router or its a iPhone problem.
Anyone else have this problem. Or know Weather its a Router or iPhone Problem?
Thanks, Tim
Phone: 1st Gen iPhone
Problem: Basically I cant load anything when im connected to my wireless system. I cant load sites, youtube, cant connect to the itunes app eather. Ive tried restarting the router many times as well as the phone and still doesn't work. I've went to my cousins house and i can connect to his wireless no problem 3 bars pegging. But at my house its like the closer to the router the less bars i get. I can set the phone on top of the router and get 1 bar and go 20 feet to my room and get 2 bars. But no matter where i am i still can not load anything. Now it only started doing this after the 2.0 patch. Before that it was fine i could connect no problem. but after the patch it all went downhill. Also my brother also has the same problem with his 1st gen as well as my moms new 3G iPhone. My brother can use it fine at my cousins house as well. But my brother told me that at his dentist's office they have wireless in there and he can not load anything using that wireless eather. Same thing happens. So that makes me confused weather we need to get a new Router or its a iPhone problem.
Anyone else have this problem. Or know Weather its a Router or iPhone Problem?
Thanks, Tim