I believe that the iOS will continue to evolve until it has the full functionality of OSX but will remain distinctly different from a GUI perspective.
Jobs will never allow a touch device to run the OSX desktop. This is why I do not believe the iMac will ever have a touch screen. It would be more likely that the iMac will have a 10/gui style of interface device.
The touch based all in one PC's on the market are a failure from an interface point of view. I have tried to use them in store however the lack of touch accuracy and the small features of the windows desktop make it extremely difficult to use. I found myself grabbing the mouse in order to get past a certain element I couldnt pinpoint with my finger.
However all of this is based around my idea that most computer users will no longer use computers such as the iMac or a Macbook pro. They are not very common around here, however most computer users are only interested in mail, internet, games and office apps. This will all be possible to do easily, and cheaply on ipad like devices. I know I am moving all of these tasks to the ipad when I get one simply because I dont like laptops (they are not actually portable) and I dont like sitting at this desk using the internet. I would rather be on the couch. People who need to do actual work, such as design work will continue to need a complex desktop environment and those operating systems will drift further into the professional fields and away from consumers.
There is about to be a whole generation of kids being given ipads instead of laptops to do their homework on.
Actually, they will probably converge because most Apple products in the future will use multi-touch screens. It is inevitable. I understand your argument but it won't hold water when they all use touch screens.
A computer monitor no more deserves a touch screen then a television does. We invented the remote for a reason.
^^ lol alch
one thing stopping OSX from being put onto iPad, different CPU architectures! its NOT possible.
NOT possible? I guess OSX could never run on an intel processor because it originally ran on the PPC.
Apple is a software company, if they needed the OS to run on an intel chip all they have to do is start typing.