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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 14, 2008
Hi guys,

I am currently working on a Firefly music streaming application for the iPhone (
So far, the application works great and playsback single files. Ofcourse my next step is to beeing able to play a whole album (or songs by an artists).

Does anyone know how to create and embed playlists on the iPhone??
I've tried creating SMIL files and embedding the QTPlayer (which work great on my PC), but doesnt seem to be working on my iPhone :(

Help would be appreciated!

thanks a lot !! I will definitely have a look on this qtnext tag. I am pretty happy at least 1 usefull tag got implemented in the embedded version of QT. It was sure doing my heading finding <anyway> to create an playlist.

Pffff.. after some heavy investigations on the qtnext tag, i finally got things working. strange behaviours to be noted though.

Herby a working example:
document.getElementById(p_elementid).innerHTML='<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="320" '
+'height="30" codebase="">'
+'<param name="src" value="'+ p_filename +'">'
+'<param name="qtnext1" value="<binairyproxy.php?enc_url=aHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozNjg5L2RhdGFiYXNlcy8xL2l0ZW1zLzcw> T<myself>">'
+'<param name="autoplay" value="true">'
+'<param name="controller" value="true">'
+'<param name="loop" value="false">'
+'<embed src="'+ p_filename +'"'
+' bgcolor="000000"'
+' width="320" height="255" autoplay="true"'
+' qtnext1="<binairyproxy.php?enc_url=aHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozNjg5L2RhdGFiYXNlcy8xL2l0ZW1zLzcw> T<myself>" '
+'controller="true" loop="false" pluginspage=""></embed>'

.. note the following in the code p_filename is the file I am playing.
the qtnext parameter value doesnt like protocol identifiers such as 'http://' on the iPhone... also I had some issues when adding more than one HTTP parameter to the url (e.g. example stream.php?file=mysong.mp3&nocacheid=199312 )

previous and next buttons?

I tried that example, and everything seems to work (the files play in order), except that the previous and next buttons don't do anything. Anyone have any idea how to make those work so that I can click them to navigate to the next song?
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