Definitely check with your service provider just to be sure; maybe there is a problem with your message centre settings or similar. I can't imagine that your provider would end up charging you for more because generally you don't have to pay to receive messages [at least we don't in the UK], that is unless you are roaming on another network abroad.
I think that the double SMS notification sound you mention is what xUKHCx was referring to in his reply when he mentioned double alerts, and he's is a stupid and most annoying setting![]()
It happens when the person sending the message clicks send and then goes into a place with low service. Then when they come out, their phone sends it again because it thought it didn't get sent. This shouldn't happen a lot unless the person who you are receiving duplicates from is on a camping trip or something like that.
It happens when the person sending the message clicks send and then goes into a place with low service. Then when they come out, their phone sends it again because it thought it didn't get sent. This shouldn't happen a lot unless the person who you are receiving duplicates from is on a camping trip or something like that.
My husband and I were separated in a museum on Saturday so I sent him a text asking where he was - he received the text about 8 times over the next 10 minutes! I thought maybe I was hitting send again from the phone being in my pocket or something. But when I checked my phone it seemed as though I had only sent it once - the coverage seemed fine in the building - I am in Silicon Valley and we get pretty good coverage in most places, so maybe it was just some sort of network hiccup that day.
It happens when the person sending the message clicks send and then goes into a place with low service. Then when they come out, their phone sends it again because it thought it didn't get sent. This shouldn't happen a lot unless the person who you are receiving duplicates from is on a camping trip or something like that.