Hey guys,
So my 3G decided to go into an infinite boot sequence after messing around with winterboard, and so i put it into DFU mode to restore. So after it restored i used a backup from a few months ago that was when the iphone was still jailbroken. One of the mods I did back then was use "Poof!" on prefs and made some apps (Contacts, Calculator, Stocks) disappear from the home screen (but still able to bring them up with the quick gold launcher). Now with a restored iphone + backup (non jailbroken), those 3 apps are STILL missing from the home screen even after the restore. And after upgrading to 3.0, I can't even search them using finder. Is it the backup that is doing this? Thanks!
So my 3G decided to go into an infinite boot sequence after messing around with winterboard, and so i put it into DFU mode to restore. So after it restored i used a backup from a few months ago that was when the iphone was still jailbroken. One of the mods I did back then was use "Poof!" on prefs and made some apps (Contacts, Calculator, Stocks) disappear from the home screen (but still able to bring them up with the quick gold launcher). Now with a restored iphone + backup (non jailbroken), those 3 apps are STILL missing from the home screen even after the restore. And after upgrading to 3.0, I can't even search them using finder. Is it the backup that is doing this? Thanks!