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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 4, 2007
So today I noticed that my Screen has a scratch on it I have no idea where it came from being that I just got this iphone a week ago and it has never been put in pockets thats had keys or anything in it and I know that keys really wont scratch it. anyone else had their screen scratched? I thought the screen was suppose to be very durable, I know i have not dropped it and there are no other scratches on the chrome part or anywhere on the phone so this random scartch is wierd. I wonder if it was already on it when i got it and just never saw it as when you have the phone on you cant see it.
Same thing happened to me a day or two after purchase. From what I gather, a grain of sand can do it. (Sand scratches glass.) So if your hand was dirty or you put in anywhere that might have had the smallest bit of dirt/gravel...poop happens. You'll live. It'll get scratched up. That's just what happens. Don't stress. :)
I would think with the right product, in the right hands, these scratches can be buffed out fairly easily either by machine or hand. I mean, they even sell eyeglass stuff to remove scratches...
your right just sucks that it happened, with the money you pay for it just not fun to have scratches on it already. now that you know that its there thats all you can focus on when you use it lol. Apple needs to come up with some sort of replacement plan for cosmetic damage cause at this rate we are all going to be walking around with $600 scratched up pieces of metal .
what phones don't get scratched? really, it's still perfectly useable, and it will continue to be for a long time. enjoy what it does, and don't focus so much on how it looks.
well of course the phone will end up all beaten up and scratched up what phone does'nt with use but thats with long term use not a week later. I've been reading on here how people are talking about how the chrome part gets scratched up easy. So I wondering just how many people have had their screen scratched too
i noticed a small scratch on my phones screen yesterday, luck for me i have a power support screen protector on my phone so if the scratch ever begins to bother me too much i will just put on a different screen protector. I would highly recommend this product!
Have a look at your last phone or iPod...

Mine are terrible. Hands down this is the most durable 'sans case' product I've had since a StarTac. I'm amazed at my inability to 'scuff it up'.... It must just be because it's so friggin' sweet no one even wants one scratch.
...I'm amazed at my inability to 'scuff it up'.... It must just be because it's so friggin' sweet no one even wants one scratch.

I am right there with you. It is amazing how durable (overall) the iPhone has turned out to be. I originally bought a clear case and returned it: it altered th form factor too much. Then I got the InvisiShield solution, which I loved on my iPod and have on the wrist/touch pad of my MacBook. Then those videos of people dropping and scratching there iPhones with keys came out.... the ones showing how extremely durable the iPhone is. Once I saw that, I returned the InvisiShield (saw the video before it actually arrived) and have been carrying my iPhone sans-any-covering in my front pocket ever since.
I agree, naked. I think it is interesting that the people who say they have scratches, actually have scratched their screen protector, which is far less durable than the iPhone itself.
I agree, naked. I think it is interesting that the people who say they have scratches, actually have scratched their screen protector, which is far less durable than the iPhone itself.

That is if they added a screen protector and I would think they know if they have and thus scratched it. The iPhone does not ship with one.
No, I mean like the posters above who have purchased 3rd party screen savers.

I have had my iPhone in my pocket since iDay, I've dropped it, put keys in my pocket with it, loose change (not on purpose), never covered it and it is flawless. And nothing feels as nice as that naked iPhone.
No, I mean like the posters above who have purchased 3rd party screen savers.

I have had my iPhone in my pocket since iDay, I've dropped it, put keys in my pocket with it, loose change (not on purpose), never covered it and it is flawless. And nothing feels as nice as that naked iPhone.

I understand, but I would think that if they did install a screen protector they would know that IT is what is scratched.

But I do agree that this phone is pretty tuff. I try not not scratch it, but I no longer use the case I bought for $30! It spends a lot of time in my pocket or car cradle, thats all, and it looks new.
I say go naked.

Random wear and tear is part of the game.

Most people I know who are so anal about scratches are just thinking about resale value I plan on keeping my iPhone for a LONG time, so I would rather enjoy the beauty and simplicity of the design.

Many of my friends have iPods in special cases to "protect" them, but loose the ease of docking & also are looking thru a crappy scratched/banged up case all of the time.
This also gives them a false sense of security - When they finally take the case off, many times crud got into the case and has caused more damage than if they were naked.

iPhone = iNude ;)
just get the invisible shield

buy the invisible shield and you will never have to worry about a scratch again. it covers the whole phone, and is soo thin that it looks like theres nothing on your phone

check it out:

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