Is it possible to put the great iphone SDK on a Windows Computer (PC)
Microsoft won't do it for us...
Why should we do it for them?
Is it possible to put the great iphone SDK on a Windows Computer (PC)
If it is possible to run leopard under vmware than maybe.
If it is possible to run leopard under vmware than maybe.
It's not.
You can run Leopard Server (legally) in VMWare or Parallels. But only on a Mac. The EULA prevents running it on any non-Apple made hardware.
One way you can run iphone SDK on a PC is Run Mac OS X on it. You can do it easily by using PearPC which is an emulator that can run Mac OS X on it. Just go to this video and he it will show you a complete walkthrough.
well no one is dumb enough to do serious programming on a window machine.
well no one is dumb enough to do serious programming on a window machine. unstability is like a global standard. while mac is on a unix core, stable and awesome. plus Xcode only runs on macs, so you're outta luck.
I can't imagine anyone would use a toy IDE like XCode unless 1) they'd never used anything else, so didn't know better, or 2) they were forced to. In my case it's most definitely 2).
Oh and this may be a contentious point, but I can't live without an insert and delete key when I'm writing code. And the crazy mac mouse acceleration curve just adds insult to injury.
I have a mac, but I'd still much rather develop on a PC with visual studio than be forced to use XCode. Nothing in XCode makes sense. I spent 10 minutes just trying to close a window the other day (apparently "close window" isn't on the window menu, it's on the file menu, and it doesn't just close the window, it closes the whole damn project).
The debugger is clunky and essential stuff like the watch window isn't integrated, plus everything requires a mouse, so you're constantly switching between mouse and keyboard. Even after adding shortcuts for stuff like toggling breakpoints, it still insists on inserting them on the cursor line instead of the program counter (like every other debugger which has ever existed), so I end up peppering my code with unnecessary breakpoints.
I did a search/replace in project the other day and it replaced the keyword in all the API headers which my project included. These were definitely not in my project.
I can't imagine anyone would use a toy IDE like XCode unless 1) they'd never used anything else, so didn't know better, or 2) they were forced to. In my case it's most definitely 2).
Oh and this may be a contentious point, but I can't live without an insert and delete key when I'm writing code. And the crazy mac mouse acceleration curve just adds insult to injury.
You can run Leopard Server (legally) in VMWare or Parallels. But only on a Mac. The EULA prevents running it on any non-Apple made hardware.
I can't imagine anyone would use a toy IDE like XCode unless 1) they'd never used anything else, so didn't know better, or 2) they were forced to. In my case it's most definitely 2).
Your post fails on so many levels I don't know where to begin. Let me start by stating that I've been programming for over 20 years and seen many IDEs come and go. Many of those years have been spent developing windows software in professional environments.
Visual studio is extremely nice IF you're willing to shell out about $1000 or more for team foundation to get the stuff you get in XCode FOR FREE. But that aside once you learn the ins and outs of XCode it's an extremely nice and competent IDE. It DOES sit on top of the GNU toolchain so it inherits some of it's weaknesses (although I understand that Apple is looking to shift away from GCC to something better).
There is no comparison between how good interface builder is to anything in visual studio no matter how much money you spend. Interface builder is incredible once you understand it. Instruments? Find that in visual studio without buying an add on. How about dtrace? Is the Mac environment perfect? Heck no, but it's far from the clusterf*ck you make it out to be.
The debugger does take some getting used to, but the watch window IS there, and there are very powerful things you can do with the debugger that you have to use windbg to do in windows.
It's clear from your post that you've never done mobile development on windows mobile, palm or really any embedded platform. XCode so blows away tools for those platforms that it's not even a comparison. Put windows mobile development next to XCode for iPhone and you'll see that it's like comparing a Supercharged 4x4 to a donkey cart with the WM dev tools being the donkey cart (in case you missed that).
Your rant seems to be "I don't want to learn something new". Sorry to be harsh but I suggest you find a different occupation.
I should make it clear that I do cross-platform console game development as my day job. I'm used to using different debuggers, IDEs and compilers. I've used IDEs from Borland C 1.0 (DOS based), Code Warrior and even AMOS basic back to the Amiga, and none of them is as clunky and badly designed as Xcode (OK, except possibly Amos, but that was 15 years ago!).
I'm used to learning new tools, it's a big part of my job. It always takes a little while, but once you learn how features are implemented, it's not a problem. In the case of Xcode, I find that the features are not just different, they're either missing of just plain broken.
Maybe Xcode/iPhone dev is better than palm development. You're quite right, I have no idea. But being better than something else which sucks isn't much of an achievement.