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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 14, 2021
Here's my problem: I bought an iPhone Xs Max when it came out. It's been more than 2 years ago. Last month, my phone start restarting for no raison. I called Apple Support and told me to do the update, but it didn't solve the problem. I went to Apple Store and they discover that a sensor was burn in my phone and that's why the iPhone was always restarting. Of course, my warranty was no longer available so they offer me to take my broken iPhone + 480$CAN for an new iPhone Xs Max. I ask them what cause the sensor to burn and they said it wasn't my fault. I always took care of my phone. I don't want to pay the 480$. I bought that phone when I was 14 and it's was all the money I had and now I have to put an other 480$ on it. Is it worth it to call for Consumer Protection or I just paid the price and say nothing. That really suck and it's not even my fault. Thank you.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Unfortunately you have no option other than replacing the phone. The phone is out of warranty and even if it wasn't your fault, warranties run out for everyone eventually. If you can't afford to pay the $480, you can find cheaper phones for sale privately (Swappa, ebay, etc.). I doubt you'll get anywhere calling Consumer Protection but if it makes you feel like you covered all your options then it can't hurt.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2002
Sadly, things wear out; and any time that they keep working beyond the warranty is a bonus.

If I were you I'd check with Consumer Protection, but without any hope of any help whatsoever; just to sort of learn what the local laws are. Straight up tell them that you've been told that this probably isn't something for them, but that you want to learn more about what your rights are.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 14, 2021
Unfortunately you have no option other than replacing the phone. The phone is out of warranty and even if it wasn't your fault, warranties run out for everyone eventually. If you can't afford to pay the $480, you can find cheaper phones for sale privately (Swappa, ebay, etc.). I doubt you'll get anywhere calling Consumer Protection but if it makes you feel like you covered all your options then it can't hurt.
Thank you for your reply. I will contact Consumer Protection to know if we can do something with that. Have a nice day.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 14, 2021
Sadly, things wear out; and any time that they keep working beyond the warranty is a bonus.

If I were you I'd check with Consumer Protection, but without any hope of any help whatsoever; just to sort of learn what the local laws are. Straight up tell them that you've been told that this probably isn't something for them, but that you want to learn more about what your rights are.
Thank you for your reply. Like I said I will check with Consumer Protection. Have a nice day.
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