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macrumors newbie
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My 3GS is running 3.01 and has never been jail broken or modified in any way. I've rebooted, but not restored because I don't think it's a software issue.

Sometimes, the phone acts like it's being touched randomly over the lower half of the screen. I noticed this when I was adding a phone number to a contact - extra numbers appeared as I tapped and continued to appear after I stopped. It only lasted a few seconds, but when I moved to delete the numbers, then whole screen was unresponsive to my touch.

I pressed the home button, which worked as expected, but the screen was still unresponsive: I couldn't start any other application. I switched the phone on and off and everything returned to normal. It happened again a few times with other applications and when I try sliding to unlock, so I rebooted the phone and cleaned the screen with a lens cloth. It happened once more afterwards and again - I have to power cycle the phone a few times to fix it.

I've set up my digital camera on a tripod to try and catch it - but Sod's Law means it'll never happen whilst I'm recording! :rolleyes:

I've booked an appointment at the Genius Bar on Sunday. Any advice?

P.S. It's nowhere near as bad as this:
It probably is a hardware issue (your digitizer is going bad), but the Genius is going to ask if you restored, so you might as well try it. I doubt it will fix it, but it doesn't hurt.
Thanks. A restore is in progress.

Knowing my luck, it'll be absolutely fine and I'll be hard pressed to convince the genius that anything is wrong.

Oh, well, I can always take it back again if I do somehow capture it on video.
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