So after I recently updated my iPhone 5s 16GB to 8.1.2, my space available on my phone went from 5.5 GB to 3.2 GB. How can I reclaim the space because I find it weird how after an update, it just goes down 2 GB just like that?
So after I recently updated my iPhone 5s 16GB to 8.1.2, my space available on my phone went from 5.5 GB to 3.2 GB. How can I reclaim the space because I find it weird how after an update, it just goes down 2 GB just like that?
This can be the notorious 'other' storage taking up space on your device. Also, iOS 8 takes up ~700 MB more space when compared to iOS 7. When I suggest you do is back up your device and restore it as new.