I tried to jailbreak my iphone (8GB w/ 2.0) with Ziphone 3.0. It froze the phone in recovery mode. Can't even power it off. Ziphone and iLiberty don't recognize the phone. iTunes recognizes it but fails at trying to restore it. Help! I think I might have to part it out!
Hi, I did the exact same thing today - rushed home with my newly-bought and working iPhone 3G, tried browsing the web, and noticed that Safari has no AdBlocker. I looked arond and found an AdBlocker that works only on jailbroken iPhones, so (without doing any research - normally I'm not this stupid, I was just really excited for the first time in a while) downloaded ziphone and tried jailbreaking, with the same results - it was stuck in 'recovery' mode .
After panicking and raging for a while, I found this page:
(My situation may have been a little different,, because I could get my phone to power off by holding the button at the top of the phone for ~8-10 seconds)
Toward the bottom, someone says:
(1) ensure your device is not connected to your computer; (2) turn off your iphone; (3) launch iTunes; (4) press and hold the "home" button on your iPhone while connecting the device to the computer using the cable; (5) iTunes should detect a device in "recovery mode" and offer to download and install the latest version of the iPhone software. Note that your device will be erased, so ensuring that you have a backup before hand is probably a good idea.
I was able to get it to the point of pressing the 'Restore' button in iTunes, but it then told me that there was no software available for my iPhone and to try updating iTunes (I already had the latest) or trying again later.
It turns out that .ipsw files are iPhone firmware. I did a find / -type f -name "*.ipsw" -ls, and it located the file:
/Users/lak/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates/iPhone1,2_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw
for me. I was able to hold down the Alt/option key while clicking 'Restore' in iTunes, and browse to this file and use it to restore. That worked well - it restored. However, it booted into a blank factory settings mode, and I had to restore my backed up settings. I did that, and my phone works again.