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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 29, 2008
I tried to jailbreak my iphone (8GB w/ 2.0) with Ziphone 3.0. It froze the phone in recovery mode. Can't even power it off. Ziphone and iLiberty don't recognize the phone. iTunes recognizes it but fails at trying to restore it. Help! I think I might have to part it out!
No Offense.

But you should READ the forums before messing around with your phone!

ZiPhone/iLiberty DO NOT WORK with 2.0 original phones or iPhone 3G.

You need to use pwnagetool/winpwn or quickpwn to jailbreak (and/or unlock original iPhone).

So use one of those.

As for your phone just hold power and home for 30 seconds and the phone will boot back up normally and if it doesn't it will go into restore mode.

And be more careful next time. You deserve a broken phone for not reading. Lucky for you that you can't break it by what you did!

I probably deserve the chastise. I was over eager to get this phone activitated with my current AT&T plan and should have done more research. I've had some experience hacking other things (older ipods, xbox, etc) and never had a problem. After I used Ziphone and it screwed up my phone, I did a little more research and saw all the advisories against it!.
I have held the power and page button down on it but regardless, it is in a cycle of booting into recovery mode. I will try the programs suggested here. Thanks-I will post updates of my progress.
Can't enter DFU mode

Ok, so I downloaded pwnage and tried to fix it. I downloaded the 4.6 file to build a restore file but when it gets to plugging in the phone and getting it into recovery mode, I get the fail message and it says 'failed to enter DFU mode. I also can not power off the phone...
I tried to jailbreak my iphone (8GB w/ 2.0) with Ziphone 3.0. It froze the phone in recovery mode. Can't even power it off. Ziphone and iLiberty don't recognize the phone. iTunes recognizes it but fails at trying to restore it. Help! I think I might have to part it out!

Hi, I did the exact same thing today - rushed home with my newly-bought and working iPhone 3G, tried browsing the web, and noticed that Safari has no AdBlocker. I looked arond and found an AdBlocker that works only on jailbroken iPhones, so (without doing any research - normally I'm not this stupid, I was just really excited for the first time in a while) downloaded ziphone and tried jailbreaking, with the same results - it was stuck in 'recovery' mode .

After panicking and raging for a while, I found this page:

(My situation may have been a little different,, because I could get my phone to power off by holding the button at the top of the phone for ~8-10 seconds)

Toward the bottom, someone says:
(1) ensure your device is not connected to your computer; (2) turn off your iphone; (3) launch iTunes; (4) press and hold the "home" button on your iPhone while connecting the device to the computer using the cable; (5) iTunes should detect a device in "recovery mode" and offer to download and install the latest version of the iPhone software. Note that your device will be erased, so ensuring that you have a backup before hand is probably a good idea.

I was able to get it to the point of pressing the 'Restore' button in iTunes, but it then told me that there was no software available for my iPhone and to try updating iTunes (I already had the latest) or trying again later.

It turns out that .ipsw files are iPhone firmware. I did a find / -type f -name "*.ipsw" -ls, and it located the file:
/Users/lak/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates/iPhone1,2_2.0.2_5C1_Restore.ipsw

for me. I was able to hold down the Alt/option key while clicking 'Restore' in iTunes, and browse to this file and use it to restore. That worked well - it restored. However, it booted into a blank factory settings mode, and I had to restore my backed up settings. I did that, and my phone works again.
Still stuck..

This is how far I can get-
I can hook up the phone to the computer-
ITunes will launch and recognize that it is in recovery mode and offer to restore-
I hold down command-option while clicking restore and it allows me to select the ispw file-
It goes through the 'extracting data' process-
It gets to the restoring process, the progress bar starts and gets about 2%, freezes for 10-15 minutes there and then exits with an error message "unable to restore because of an unknown error (6)"
It does this whether I use the default ispw file or the one I created with Pwnage.
I appreciate all the suggestions but I'm no closer to getting it fixed than the day I bricked it. I will probably sell it as parts if I can't figure it out soon.
I just can't believe that a software program like Ziphone can permanently screw up a phone like this (even given my misuse of it).
That error is a nightmare, I once got stuck in it but it is solveable.:)

Try the steps in this apple knowledge base article

Restore error messages on the iPhone and iPod touch

(The error message seen may also include one of the following numbers (but is not limited to these): 2, 6, 9, -18, -48, -50, 1002, 1011, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1608, 1609, 1611, 2003, 2004, -9808)

Hope one of these steps solves your problem.

there nothing wronge with the Ziphone,only one small detail.
Zibri has not yet release a program that jailbreaking ipsw 2.0 and 3G iphones.
I jailbreak my itouch 32gb 1.1.4 ipsw with the Ziphone and is working so perfect and i love it.
When u try to jailbreak ur itouch or iphone just read the threats in here before u do anything,and dont blame zibri for that,blame ur self ,
I hope u find solotution to ur problem
Still stuck

I tried most of the suggestions referenced on the Apple site for dealing with restore errors. Still the same. I will try on another computer tomorrow. I don't think it is a problem with the computer as these remedies seem to suggest. As I cannot power off the iphone, I am pretty sure there is something wrong with the phone.
Restored but still can't unlock

Yeah! Finally got it restored. It seems I might have some USB/driver related issues with my computer. I finally got iTunes to work on my PC running XP (It would not open- I know, I know- try reinstalling windows!) Did get iTunes up on it and after the second attempt at restoring it worked. Took it back to my mac, used pwnage tool- boom! Frozen in recovery mode. Took it back to the pc, restored it. Tried using iTunes on pc to load the ispw file I created with pwnage tool- boom! Unable to restore error message!. Restored it 3rd time with unmodified ispw. I think there is something about the 3rd party USB card that might be creating issues on my mac. Now iTunes won't load again on my pc. This is just a hell of a lot of work!
it's not ur computer. this is how i got this problem fixed several times now

1. u will need to go back to firmware 1.1.3 by restoring in iphone
u will also need itunes 7.5

2.then u will need ziphone patched which i don't remember where i got it from

3. Follow these instruction below. i really don't know how to explain it because it's a long process but follow these. good luck


his is an patched ZiPhone, you will be able to erase
the 04.05.01_G, 04.05.02_G and 04.05.03_G baseband on BOTH bootlaoder!

If you liked and it help's you i will be happy if you donate!
So i can keep my forum "" alive :D


What do you will do?


Downgrade Baseband:

If you stuck on 04.05.01_G or 04.05.02_G or 04.05.03_G or 04.05.04_G baseband and you dont now which bootloader do you have, then
check "Downgrade baseband" in combination with the "Debug" mode,
it's very IMPORTENT that this point ist ALLWAYS checked!

Erase Baseband:

If you have the bootloader 3.9:
You can use this option to erase, which baseband do
want. 04.05.01_G, 04.05.02_G, 04.05.03_G AND 04.05.04_G too.

Check "iErase" AND "Debug" and press "start"

If you have the bootloader 4.6:
You can use this option to erase the baseband, if isn't
04.05.04_G. If it's the 04.05.04_G baseband, you must
downgrade the baseband first, lock under "Downgrade Baseband"


Downgrade Baseband:

If you stuck on 04.05.01_G or 04.05.02_G or 04.05.03_G or 04.05.04_G
baseband and you dont now which bootloader do you have, then
check "Downgrade baseband" and press "Start".

Erase Baseband:

If you have the bootloader 3.9:
You can use this option to erase, which baseband do
want. 04.05.01_G, 04.05.02_G, 04.05.03_G AND 04.05.04_G too.

Check "iErase" and press "Start"

If you have the bootloader 4.6:
You can use this option to erase the baseband, if isn't
04.05.04_G. If it's the 04.05.04_G baseband, you must
downgrade the baseband first, lock under "Downgrade Baseband"

Troubleshooting & FAQ's:

Why the baseband isn't erase, after i launched "iErase"?

- you have the bootloader 4.6 and the 04.05.04_G baseband -> run first "Downgrade Baseband"
- your bootloader is "neuterd" -> unneuter you bootloader with BootNeuter

Why my iPhone stuck at the applelogo?
oh i forgot to tell u that the purpose here is to downgrade baseband and it will work like new. thanks
I can't believe you even tried it with ZiPhone!

I thought that pretty much everyone had forgot or at least tried to forget about ZiPhone!
Would like to unlock it while using the 2.02 software

I'm not going to do the downgrade just so I can use Ziphone. I'd much rather figure out how to unlock it with the current software. I did upgrade my pc/xp to iTunes 8 and iTunes stopped working again (won't load). I might try pwnage one more time on the mac but use one of the built-in USB ports...
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