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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 18, 2009
Hi guys im new here on the forums and new to the mac community period. I have a quick question i have googled this question before asking, but my results were non-less confusing:confused:. Well im about to get a umbp and am thinking of getting a iphone aswell. If i have the data plan on the iphone can i simply connect it to my mac and tether it?
It will break the user agreement with your cell phone company. That does not mean it can not be done, but you will have to be willing to accept any consequences that may come with it including getting charged or canceling your policy (not to say it has happen to anyone yet).

AT&T will have it as an option in the future, but it is unknown how much the service will be.

There are links throughout the site to activate tethering on your phone that users have had mixed results with. Or you can look into PDAnet, some users using a Mac and iPhone with 3.0 are not able to get it to work right now.
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