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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 28, 2008
Montréal, QC

I want to access WiFi on my iPhone 2G from work where there is no WiFi connections available. I though of creating an ad-hoc network connection from my work laptop running WinXP SP3 and using that wireless connection on the iPhone.

However, I did try to follow a few tutorials on the net and from the Windows laptop, I can see the connection, but it never pops up on the iPhone... I even try by using Other and typing in the name of the wifi ad-hoc network I created. Is there some kind of encryption that has to be used so the iPhone can see it?
I've never created an ad-hoc network with a windows machine, only macs.

As far as Macs go, it's pretty straight forward.

Go to System Prefs> Click on Sharing>Click on Internet> choose the direction to share (Ethernet to Airport or Airport to Ethernet...) Click on Start.

right now I'm sharing my DSL via Ethernet on my wife's G3PB to Airport to receive internet on my laptop downstairs and then sharing that via ethernet to my eMac.)

Just to make it easier I don't have security set up right now.

Sorry, I can't offer much help on the windows side...
Bump, I would really love to be able to do this as I don't have any other way of getting internet of my iPhone from work! (It's a 2G hacked with data blocked on my account since Fido charges hell just to get a few hundred mb per month!)
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