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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 2, 2017
After 2.5 years, my iPhone 6 Plus touch screen didn't response well. So I went to Apple Store. I was told it could be my fault like dropping or bending the phone. My phone is in perfect cosmetic condition and it's in a case. I was going to trade in for a new model. Because I had to get a working phone so I could go on a trip. So I paid $149 for a replacement. So would I trade it in for a new model in a few weeks? Probably not.

Later I confirmed it's a design flaw and $149 for a replacement is Apply's solution for its design flaw. Basically customers pay $149 for Apply's design flaw or mistake. Later they can make more money by fixing the phone in China for $5. What a great/greedy company!

BTW, a colleague told me he got a free replacement a few days ago for his out of warranty iPhone for the same issue after talking to manager in Apple store for an hour.

If one day Apply makes Apply car, I hope it can still ask buyers to pay for design flaws or manufacturing problems. Otherwise it will be doomed to fail.
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