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Hi everyone, iMakkie here...
Thank you for suggesting to donate, this is really what i need because my computer is old and crap, i'll change it soon i hope...
Anyway i've read that you have some problem...
So lets start by the begin

You need:
- iPhone 2G / 3G jailbroked
- OpenSSH installed (cydia / installer)
- USB Cable :p
- iPhone Tunnel Suite 2.6 (

Then do this if you want to connect throug the USB Cable:

- Setup your device (name, model, firmware, ecc...)
- On the main screen click on iTunnel
- Check that itunnel is running
- Click on iConnect and wait for the "Running!" message to come

Now you have to setup you browser...
In safari and internet explorer is easier

Open the browser options check under network and set proxy server like this

SOCKS proxy server ip : and port: 1080
all other fields left blank

in firefox you also have to do this

go in the address bar and type "about:config"
in "filter" field type "network.proxy.socks_remote_dns"
double click on this item in the list to make the value true

restart firefox, now set the proxy server as said before...

i suggest to use multiproxy plugin for firefox because it allow you to create various proxy profiles

hope this will help! thanks if you donate!
I tried this and it worked fine after a couple of bad starts, but I only had an Edge connection and it was too slow for me to actually do any work through it.
dsegel. Did you have to run socks or anything specific on the iphone. Even if I get it to start no internet connection comes through.
What exactly does this do?

it allows you to ssh into the phone through a usb cable rather than over wifi. The instructions given above essentially allow a user to tether their iPhone to use as a modem for mobile browsing.
it allows you to ssh into the phone through a usb cable rather than over wifi. The instructions given above essentially allow a user to tether their iPhone to use as a modem for mobile browsing.

And how is this different than the current socks/proxifier solution that works? Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to second guess this app as it has lots of potential but is there something I'm missing?
And how is this different than the current socks/proxifier solution that works? Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to second guess this app as it has lots of potential but is there something I'm missing?

its the same thing you say i think but i made it the easier i could...
anyway you only have to install openssh, no more

and no need to start anything
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