If you have a 1.0.2 iPhone unlocked with AnySIM I would recommend purchasing an iPhone SIM Free licence for $60/£30 as it will FIX the problem with your phone and you WILL NOT have to virginise and it will stay unlocked all the way up to the current firmware of 1.1.4.
That would be my advice to you as it is MUCH easier than virginising and locking and unlocking the phone continuously.
www.hackthatphone.com has brilliant photo tutorials of the process.
Also check
www.iphonesimfree.com make sure you download the version for 1.1.1 updated 1.0.2 iPhones and register your IMEI when you pay so its on the system.
The process for me was very simple.
First download the 1.1.1 and 1.1.4 firmware from hackthatphone.com
Using the 1.1.1 downloaded firmware open iTunes and clicked on shift+the restore button on the screen and select the 1.1.1 firmware.
The phone will update and go to the slide to unlock screen but you won't be able to activate it as the phone is corrupt.
Now downgrade in iTunes to 1.0.2 again using the same shift+restore and selecting the 1.0.2 firmware (make sure you have it and if not download that as well!).
It will restore but give you an error at the end - use Independence (Mac) or iBrikr (PC) to turn the phone on and then reconnect to iTunes and it will activate it.
Then follow the guide on iPhoneSIMfree.com and download the software and run it.
That will unlock the phone and FIX the corruption problem... you can then upgrade to 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 and the unlock will remain.
If you do not have an official iPhone SIM then you obviously need to activate the phone. You can use Independence or AppTapp on 1.0.2 and jailbreakme.com on 1.1.1.
If you decide to upgrade to 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 you will need signal.app to get a signal as although unlock remains it needs a "poke" in those firmwares when the phone turns on to "see" the network.
Again you will need to activate these - I recommend Independence as the more full proof method but ZiPhone will activate and put Installer on your phone as will my personal favourite iPlus (which is brilliant!).
Alternatively you can not pay for IPSF and virginise the phone and upgrade to 1.1.4 and unlock using iPlus. It is your choice!
Make sure you read
I also suggest you check the hacking forums at
If you have more detailed questions then post there as that is where all the hackers post!