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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 19, 2013
Missouri USA
OK, so this is a question for those that REALLY understand the IUP in the US. I hope I can get a clear answer, so thanks in advance!

So, my situation is this: I want to sign up for the IUP for the first time, but I want to activate and use my iPhone on my work's Verizon account. (I am the director of IT, so I have that authorization)

However, I do not have a personal account with Verizon, which is required to sign up for the IUP. (Any of the the "Big 4 Carriers) So, my question is:

Can I verify I have a valid account to activate the iPhone when it arrives by using my GF's Verizon account number, billing zip code, and have her give me the secure text info to verify the account is valid that comes to her phone? In theory, it should work fine, validate I have an account to use it on and when I get the phone, just pop my current SIM card in from my Verizon work line.

I'd just pay payments like normal and go on. Since it is not an upgrade or have anything to do with Verizon itself on the account, should work fine shouldn't it?

Can anyone confirm? I know I'm not the only one that has thought of this? Thanks!


macrumors 6502a
Feb 6, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
I can only say that one of my kids phones has IUP and recently moved her phone from ATT to Verizon and it didn’t matter, although she kept her number.

Do you have an account person at Verizon you could ask?
Your in theory does make sense.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 6, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
Hmm. So did a pre-verify for a new IUP account intending to replace a phone on my att account but not currently on IUP, and not my phone. The options for ATT are upgrade MY phone, or order a new phone. I did the later, now there’s a new phone number on my account.

In my case, I THINK I can straighten that out with ATT easily enough, but I’m not sure how that affects you since it’s two different accounts.
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