if u've had some iphone experience, can i ask you a question. how is the model-view-controller paradigm implemented now? i'm a bit confused because i've been following some examples where everything was done programmatically, and some examples where an incomplete IB is used (current betas).
basically, if ur application has more than one view, what do u do? at first i thought u had one controller, and then used it to control the view hierarchy, using the method addSubview.
now, i get the impression that you should use a controller for each view.
i've been trying to implement a UITextView. but the fact that it hasn't been implemented in IB yet makes it annoying, i tried to paste some code from the iphone dev center but it didn't work at all
basically, if ur application has more than one view, what do u do? at first i thought u had one controller, and then used it to control the view hierarchy, using the method addSubview.
now, i get the impression that you should use a controller for each view.
i've been trying to implement a UITextView. but the fact that it hasn't been implemented in IB yet makes it annoying, i tried to paste some code from the iphone dev center but it didn't work at all