I was at the mall 2 days ago and I was buying new shoes. I had no pockets on and I was changing shoes so I put my iphone 3g right next to me on the bench. I went to the mirror to check out the shoes, came back and my phone was gone. I called the phone and on the 10th time i called it the scumbag answered. He said he was on a bus and wouldn't give it back even for a reward. I even got a police report. I cant afford paying 400$ for the phone, again after paying 200$. I tried calling AT&T and asked if the phone had been activated again and they said no. If it does get activated then would they be able to track who activates it or would apple be able to? All other phones are **** for AT&T and im stuck in a 2 year contract. AT&T said they couldnt blacklist the IMEI ( i know they can people have done it). Im sure they could track it seeing that it gets activated again with the same serial number but would AT&T really help me out with that?