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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2021
After reading the post from, I think Apple would be smart to bring this feature to *all* iPhones and not just the PRO/MAX series.

There's something to be said about capturing and being "in the moment", and I think iPhones are still better equipped (and preferred) by many to capture "3d/Spatial moments" and not look isolated while wearing a headset/googles. In the future, iPhones capable of this feature should allow other VR headsets such as Meta/Oculus VR, PSVR2 (maybe) to perhaps, one day, view 3d/spatial videos.

This episode of Black Mirror -
- is pretty much how these VR devices will play out. Moments relived, and trek down the memory lane.

If there's one take away from this new tech, it's that Google/Meta/Apple - should market capturing 3d Moments as the next best thing on their flagship device - and steer the buyers to buy their headsets to enjoy these moments.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 15, 2009
3d camera capabilities will definitely be coming to the Pro series as early as this fall. However I do think it will be hard for them to justify bringing it to the non pro phones initially..


macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2013
3d camera capabilities will definitely be coming to the Pro series as early as this fall. However I do think it will be hard for them to justify bringing it to the non pro phones initially..
I think it would be too early cause there will be no devices to show these 3D photos. Btw wasn’t 3D dead?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2021
i think 3d moments is very possible if you can “crowdsource” your input from multiple input(s) - multiple phone with 3d capture from different perspectives/angles. Kinda like “Share Play” but for 3D capture.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 18, 2021
Spatial Vision on iPhone 15. Called it back in June. Didn't think it'd come this fast.
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