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Steven Pearson

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 23, 2020
This iPhone XR’ s screen don’t work. The screen is black then these lines apear.

The screen used to work fine then the lines would apear if a static image was left on for more than a couple of seconds. Now the screen just stays black and the lines appear.
Is it just a loose connection/ broken screen or do you think there is water damage.
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macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Did you submerge the the phone in water or get it wet then the screen started malfunctioning? Did you drop the phone or was it subjected to an impact? Need more info for forum members to give an opinion

Steven Pearson

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 23, 2020
The phone has been dropped a few times onto a carpet floor, but nothing to major of a drop. It’s my wife’s phone and the issue showed up when she was having a bath. As a waterproof phone it has been used like this quite a few times.

It has never been submerged in water but wet hands have touched it.

It was a few days after that the lines 1st appeared. When a static image was left on the screen, that the phone just had a blank screen with the lines slowly appearing.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Well, water resistance is not the same as waterproof and it isn't a permanent feature. I'd say there's a chance water has found it's way into the phone especially if the baths were steamy. Steam penetrates seals much easier than liquid water and can cause all sorts of issues. Unfortunately Apple or any other phone maker does not cover water damage under warranty(as stated in their terms/conditions) so unless you have Applecare+ you're probably looking at an out of warranty replacement cost. You need to take it to an Apple store to have it checked out as it also could be a screen/display issue and find out what your options are. You may get a sympathetic employee that can help you work it out
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