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Jason B

macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 21, 2010
How it seemed to start... I dropped my phone on it's face.. Not hard and it has a case on it to protect it. Everything was fine... I did spill a little water on it earlier that day, but shouldn't matter as it's an XS. So, after dropping it I was on a call and the screen started to flicker, almost like an old school tv would. Then the screen went totally black! I couldn't see anything. I'm still on the phone with my friend on speaker but nothing works and it's all black. I told them to hang up on me. Literally was messing with it for hours and still all black screen. I can hear text messages coming it and notifications, but can't see anything. I know to restart it, you hit volume up botton, vol down button, then hit the side button which gives that "slide to restart" feature, but I can't see it or where it is to slide it - again because the screen is black. A few times the screen flickered back on but barely, like it was a bad connection inside, it didn't come fully back on. Finally battery died after 6 hours. When I turned it back on this morning it worked! Saw the screen slightly flicker once, but it's still on and working. Any ideas here???

Saw this below, but don't think it's the same???


now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
It's a hardware problem. No amount of button pushing or plugging in to a computer will fix it. Either get it repaired or replace it


macrumors 65816
Apr 21, 2017
The buggiest iPhone I've ever owned was the XS Max. I would encounter a blank screen usually once per month.

Jason B

macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 21, 2010
Interesting... Apple should replace these if that's the case. Even out of warranty... For me, the battery dying so it would turn off fixed it.

Jason B

macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 21, 2010
Sounds like the display is damaged.. If you have AppleCare+ you can get it replaced for $30 if not out of warranty replacement is $269...

I've taken apart and have replaced screens in EVERY iphone I've had and friends phones (iphone 4-5-6-7), except the XS. When I bought it a year ago you couldn't buy screens anywhere - only from apple. Didn't know if apple has to do it and if I do it, if faceid or any particulars would make it not work?


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
I've taken apart and have replaced screens in EVERY iphone I've had and friends phones (iphone 4-5-6-7), except the XS. When I bought it a year ago you couldn't buy screens anywhere - only from apple. Didn't know if apple has to do it and if I do it, if faceid or any particulars would make it not work?
I'm not quite sure if faceid is effected when replacing the screen or not. I do know that trutone doesn't work anymore when the screens replaced unless the screen is paired to the phone
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