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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 7, 2010
Ecuador (Cotopaxi)
Greetings, in years past when Apple has released a new iPhone BestBuy has been part of the rollout. If consumers wished we could purchase through their website instead of directly with Apple.
This year Apple will publicizing their new devices on Wednesday, 12 September. I imagine that they would be ready for pre-order through Apple on Friday, 14 September.
Should I expect the new phones will also be available for pre-order through BestBuy as well?


Apr 22, 2011
Greetings, in years past when Apple has released a new iPhone BestBuy has been part of the rollout. If consumers wished we could purchase through their website instead of directly with Apple.
This year Apple will publicizing their new devices on Wednesday, 12 September. I imagine that they would be ready for pre-order through Apple on Friday, 14 September.
Should I expect the new phones will also be available for pre-order through BestBuy as well?
I’ve never been to BestBuy or ever seen the outside of a BestBuy, but as you said they did this before I imagine they will do it again


macrumors 68020
Mar 5, 2006
Nebraska, USA
BB can’t make any announcements before Apple does. So I imagine they will after the 12th. I think they have preorders just about every year like ATT and Verizon.
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