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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 13, 2021
Now, I've bought an Iphone X, a used one. Knowingly bought one with a busted rear camera (x2 worked initially just fine). <A>A crack on the screen up top, but not crossing any of the many sensors up there.. (something simpy disconnected?)</A> Face ID didn't work, but theselfie camera found my face, no problem. Face id did not work at all, didn't tell me to move came down or up, Just tells me to 'point at yo' face', not updating.

Then I let it update from 13.? to 14.4. Now none of the three cameras work.

Hardware trouble, can't be, since opening the camera will give you the option to ('X2'), I see none of that after update, selfie camera gives no info, the (picture with a camera and an arrow going 'round) change to selfie camera button on screen does not reach in any way. Otherwise the phone works as you'd assume.

I've taken a couple of these apart for my friends before, parts are available, but, what are we doing next?
Phone was not dropped or otherwise molested at any point since arriving at my gentle care.

- Sam

<E> Removed doubles, added something.
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I’d cut my losses and buy another iPhone.

iPhones aren’t easy to self repair, the money and time being spent on it isn’t worth it.
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