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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 18, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I currently use time machine and it is great as a backup device. My MacBook Pro is close to out of space, so I would like to move some photos from iPhoto to a folder on my external hard drive and then remove the photos from iPhoto. Can anyone provide tips on the best way to move the photos from iPhoto to the external hard drive? Also, if I reloaded these pictures, would they "reconnect" to the events and albums they were previously in?

Thanks so much for your help!
When you say to your external drive, do you mean the same as the one you use for your Time machine back up? If so I would advise against storing your iPhoto library on that one drive. If it fails you will lose everything. Always have at least 2 copies if not three (ideally with one kept off site).
It was going to be on the same external hard drive. I was hoping to not do the entire library, just older photos.

What is the reason for separate drives? Safer as far as backing up in separate places or a technical issue?
It was going to be on the same external hard drive. I was hoping to not do the entire library, just older photos.

What is the reason for separate drives? Safer as far as backing up in separate places or a technical issue?

All hard drives will fail at some point. If its an SSD it should last longer as there are no moving parts, but if the drive fails the pictures are gone.
You can use the same drive from a technical point of view. Just create a partition for your TC and one for iPhoto, but it is a risk.
Also if you are accessing the library how is it connected? USB 3 or Thunderbolt will be fastest.
It is a LaCie 1 Terrabyte. I believe it is just regular USB but not positive. I want to keep my iPhoto library on the computer I would just like to remove a few thousand photos and put them in the external hard drive to free up space on my computer.
I use a variation of this drive dock for my backup. Carbon Copy Cloner duplicates everything on a 1TB Scorpio Black desktop drive and the other slot has a laptop drive for my Aperture Library only. It's the two seperate drives theme but with only one wire. It connects to an 08 MBPro by an Express34 eSATA card.

Hi Everyone,

I currently use time machine and it is great as a backup device. My MacBook Pro is close to out of space, so I would like to move some photos from iPhoto to a folder on my external hard drive and then remove the photos from iPhoto. Can anyone provide tips on the best way to move the photos from iPhoto to the external hard drive? Also, if I reloaded these pictures, would they "reconnect" to the events and albums they were previously in?

Thanks so much for your help!

sure someone far more knowledgable than me will answer properly but in the meantime....

to get them from iphoto to your external drive, you can either export them, just remember to change it from jpeg to original, or you can right click on the iphoto library, theres open package or something like that, and inside there you will find all the pics sorted by year.

iphoto can only handle one library at a time, but what you could do is create a 2nd library called unimportant pics, or something, then either when opening iphoto or from iphoto, you can change the open library.

however this might not be your only or best option. firstly you might consider splashing out for aperture, which is like an iphoto pro, and as i understand, handles multiple libraries at the same time, and is very like iphoto in how it works.

or the other thing you could do, is upload the pics, maybe those pics to start with, but eventually maybe all pics, to flickr. flickr now gives 1tb of free space, and the latest iphoto has built in uploader to flickr, so you could upload everything to there, then delete the pics you dont use much from your iphoto and still have them in your iphoto app as you can see your flickr account from there.

im not the best person to ask so someone more experienced will prob suggest something better.
iphoto wil only handle one library at a time. you could if you wanted to set up another library
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