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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2004
I have a bunch of pictures on my PC organized the way I like it. For example:

Folder - 2002
Sub Folder - Christmas
Sub Folder - Halloween
Folder - 2003
Sub Folder - Picnic
Sub Folder - Christmas

Is there a way I can import them into the new iPhoto on my Mac without having all the folders out to the side and instead create folders inside folders (sub-folders). Instead of having to write Christmas 2003, Christmas 2004, just having them into that year folders. Thanks for all the responses. :D
Arg... That really stinks. How can they not add that feature in by now?!
Maybe Iview MediaPro will make you happier?
I havn't used iPhoto since I came across Iview... Seems to me it can do a lot of usefull stuff that I can't make iPhoto do... Either because it can't, or maybe because I'm too blond to work out how :rolleyes:
Why not just import one folder at a time, i.e. Xmas 2003 etc.. And create a new album for each, then just drag the newest imports into that album.
So, it looks like you like to organize your photos by year, and then by event. IPhoto automatically organizes your photos by year, so you're set there.

Rather than using albums to arrange your photos into events, why don't you use rolls? You can rename your rolls "Christmas," "Beach Trip," etc. If you take more than one roll for an event, just move your pictures into a single roll and delete the others. If you want to divide a roll into two or more events, just import a single picture again to give yourself a new roll.

I only use albums when I'm creating a special set of pictures drawn from several different rolls--this would be a "best of" collection for a Web page or a custom book or something.
I long for this feature in iTunes as well. Hierarchical threads is a must!
macfan76 said:
Arg... That really stinks. How can they not add that feature in by now?!

Look at iTunes. Notice how much more convenient it is to find your music than it ever was in a hierarchical folder layout.

iPhoto supports the same idea -- each photo has a date, roll, title, and any number of keywords that can be associated with it.

Drop the hiearchichal folders and put some effort into organizing the photos like you do with iTunes. It's far more convenient.

As a start I'm organizing my photos like this:

Roll title: Place / event
Picture Title: <unecessary so far>
Keywords: Type of Photo {landscape,macro,experiment,etc}, Contents of Photo{nameOfPerson,Wildlife,etc}
Rating: ***=important for memories, ****=good enough to show other people, *****=good enough to frame (*,** are the mistakes)

I can then create all the categories you have in trivial smart folders (date > 1/1/2003, < 12/31/2003, Roll contains Christmas)

But now I can also have:

All the christmas photos of my son
My vacation photos that I want to show off
All of the macro photos over the years so I can see how my style has changed

Which couldn't be done easily otherwise.

Just like iTunes ... make the break from a purely hierarchical format and think database.
A feature that I have always wanted in the iApps was the ability to have nested playlists, albums, ect. I have close to 33 albums in iPhoto and I wish that I could have more order in the album column. Or the ability to have nested playlists, for example, easy combination of playlists for cds or the iPod. It seems like nested containers would be pretty easy to add to iTunes and iPhoto. Has anyone else wanted this feature?
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