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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 10, 2012
Hubert, NC
Ok all, I have iPhoto for the iPhone 4S and I am about to upload it to my iPad (1st Gen) as we speak :)apple: iPad is updating now). What are you opinions on iPhoto for mobile devises? Does it compete with Photoshop? Is it a good photo editor for a serious photographer? Let me know what y'all think! :cool:
Ok all, I have iPhoto for the iPhone 4S and I am about to upload it to my iPad (1st Gen) as we speak :)apple: iPad is updating now). What are you opinions on iPhoto for mobile devises? Does it compete with Photoshop? Is it a good photo editor for a serious photographer? Let me know what y'all think! :cool:

I think it's absolute garbage on the 4S. Every time I try to use Auto Enhance it either completely freezes my phone or crashes the app. The editing features are a pain in the butt to use. Probably a nice app on the iPad but sucks on the iPhone, in my opinion.
Ok all, I have iPhoto for the iPhone 4S and I am about to upload it to my iPad (1st Gen) as we speak :)apple: iPad is updating now). What are you opinions on iPhoto for mobile devises? Does it compete with Photoshop? Is it a good photo editor for a serious photographer? Let me know what y'all think! :cool:

on my iphone 4, 4s and ipad 2 its working awsome, as the features in it we cant compare photoshop with it, photoshop have many many tools, but in this iPhoto little tools but very effective, i am loving it a lot, a must have app for us
It's a really good mix of iPhoto organization and Photoshop brushes and filters you actually use. It's easily worth more than $4.99 for sure.

  • I really like how you can A/B with the Edited/Original. Basically tapping the button just hides the editing layer but it's so quick (rapid A/B) you can really see some of the subtle things you may have done (ex. lightly desaturate).
  • I also really like how you can use your finger with the brushes. It's incredibly quick on my 4.
  • UI is easy to get out of the way and is surprisingly customizable for an Apple app (you can hide just about the entire UI, supports portrait and landscape throughout). I can't speak to the iPad's UI but I imagine it's fine as they did a stand up job on the iPhone's small screen.

  • It is a bit of a pain as every time it's loaded it needs to update the library (it's looking to see if you've taken pictures or added any since you last used it). I would prefer a manual refresh button but this is obviously made for normal folks that don't want to think.
  • Can't send straight to Messages app. Strange oversight as you can send it to just about anything else including Facebook.
  • Doesn't support Faces (even just syncing). Feature parity issue with iPhoto '11.

Both of these photos I edited in under 5 minutes:

Softened Background to add Depth of Field (it is originally all in focus), Lightened face where it meets my arm

Desaturated background, Lightly saturated son
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Absolutely awesome app!! One issue, though ... and maybe someone has an answer ... you cannot delete a photo within iPhoto. Alllegedly, this is supposed to be as simple as deleting from stock Photo, according to reviews of the app. But that doesn't work. I cannot find an option to delete anywhere!

So, I'm using stock Photo to do most of my photo involvement and iPhoto for editing.
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