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CubaTBird said:
Is this the iPhoto killer for PC? It's now free and part of google it appears.

Since there is no iPhoto for the Windows side of the world, there is no clear competition between the two.

In other words, no this is not an iPhoto killer for PC. The people who will use it have no way of using iPhoto on their system.
CubaTBird said:
Is this the iPhoto killer for PC? It's now free and part of google it appears.

Ok I know it's "hip" to call a product "x Killer" but come'on man don't handle us like this. Picasa is PC only? How would it kill iPhoto which is Mac only??

I've used Picasa before the Google purchase an it seems no better than Photoshop Album or iPhoto featurewise.
iPhoto Killer?

Hahahahahaha....oh no. Does this mean I have to buy a pc?
You mean ONE pc program is now free and easy to use (besides iTunes)?
totally don't get it guys, lol

you guys don't get it, people will use this program and itunes combined and find little reason to go mac now that they got a iphoto like program for their pc. could be a problem for apple
CubaTBird said:
you guys don't get it, people will use this program and itunes combined and find little reason to go mac now that they got a iphoto like program for their pc. could be a problem for apple

umm you don't get it. there is more reason to use a mac beside two pieces of software. personally, none of the programs influenced my choice to switch.
Actually after playing with that prog at a friends house, I'm thinking of selling my 'book and buying an Alienware box. Then, I can play games and have the best of OSX.
CubaTBird said:
you guys don't get it, people will use this program and itunes combined and find little reason to go mac now that they got a iphoto like program for their pc. could be a problem for apple
I don't think anyone switches to a mac because he needs iphoto. They switch because they are fed up of windows.
i would say that the iLife package is a reason people are interested in the mac. but for years the pc had programs just as good, but some were shareware. this, being a free application for windows does kinda make it an iphoto killer. add windows movie maker, and iTunes; and all their missing is an iDVD and a garageband killer.

check this out to see a watson/sherlock III killer :(

indeed, i agree wit fight the future.. thats what i have been trying to say all along
How do you figure Windows Movie Maker as an iMovie killer?

If it were, my school wouldn't have ordered 30 some emacs for the multimedia production class...
Kingsnapped said:
How do you figure Windows Movie Maker as an iMovie killer?
oh its not. i couldn't get it to work right. and since-never wanted to use it again. people are using it though. wmedia9 is everywhere. and it is built in. which would make most pc users say iMovie isn't worth it. but i can tell that its not as good as iMovie - which isn't that good either IMO (FCP user).
abhishekit said:
I don't think anyone switches to a mac because he needs iphoto. They switch because they are fed up of windows.

Actually, when I bought my mac it was the software and feature set that tipped me into the mac camp. Nice design is good, but the reality is I want something that does what I want it to do. And with the apple products focussed on enriching a person's lifestyle experience (ie iLife etc.) I found it extremely compelling.

Look, if we were talking windows 98 or ME or exen XP Home, then yes there is the Fed-Up with windows factor. However, I've been using XP Pro at work (and at home atm - iBook go boom :( ) and I haven't experienced a BSOD since the beta (... and it was Adobe eBook reader that caused it too :eek: ) and I work in quite a OS-hostile environment all day (enterprise software development). Other Software Devs: similar experience or have you had a much nastier time with WinXP Pro or 2k?

Quite honestly, I don't mind windows (uh oh, I'm in trouble now...). It's functional and gets the job done. But what I appreciate about the mac is how it's suite of supporting software (iLife etc) actually compliment your lifestyle.

I think what CubaTBird is saying is that unless everyone associates lifestyle software with iLife, they will just use what they can get for their home pc: it may not be as good, kludgy etc. But when you mention the word "iTunes" everyone immediately associates things like the iPod etc.

What you need is a marketing campaign that has everyone thinking of all the other products as "like i<something>" eg:

"it's a photo program. You mean like iPhoto?"

... Enough blathering now, I've posted more today than I have in about 6 months :p

-- Dan :D

Edit: Ok guys, I've just downloaded Picasa to give it a try... All I can say is that it's very slick. Oh yes it's almost a clone of iPhoto, but it's not a poor imitation:- it's very well presented, fast and has the feel of a professional program about it (ie rock solid).

Regardless of what you think of it etc. The developers did a darn good job on this one...
superbovine said:
umm you don't get it. there is more reason to use a mac beside two pieces of software. personally, none of the programs influenced my choice to switch.

the "i" suite is one of the things that got me to switch. Now that XP comes with a video editor, this is available and itunes for the PC is out I can see how many people wouldn't want to switch. I build my own desktop systems and find them much more responsive than any mac running OSX. I know this isn't the right thing to say on here, but limiting yourself to one platform if you're really serious with computers is silly. Computers are like driving to me. I like to drive but I won't only buy brand X cars. I'll buy a car from anyone who can make a quality product with good features. I wouldn't consider myself a switcher, I just use both. I don't know who said, "you have to use one or the other, not both" The last time I checked, I was still fighting for freedom. If you can afford both, I say it's the way to go! There are some things that I cannot use the mac for: Autocad 2004 and Boson NetSim...
No shame

Well the copied the look very well indeed.

But what is it with iphoto? It's a neat little app. But its not like its really good? Don't shoot me down for this but I don't see the fuzz about this programm. It's simply usefull to watch your pix but I tried theNikon View app and altough it is very pc'ish it's not that bad compared to iphoto. All these programms look alike.

Am I missing something here?
I understand the comparison CubaTbird is stating, but unless this program is the one that's included FREE WITH WINDOWS, it can't be compared to the free program, iPhoto, included with OSX.

And on that point, iPhoto really isn't good whatsoever. The reason I use it is because I don't have anything better to view these images. Its still better than what MS includes with Windows, which is like Preview on OSX except with a crop function (if I remember correctly), but hell, iPhoto doesn't offer anything amazing, either.
i agree with abstract. even though the ilife suite is nice, iphoto was never something that got me all jazzed, it was other ilife apps and such...
im sure its a nice program, but i think there are still better ways to get people hot to trot over macs.
iPhoto is no iTunes. It's just an OK program. It's one of the weakest iLife apps. I still use it and the performance is better but I know it could be better with organizing photos. iPhoto killers would be nice if they ran on the Mac and emulate the sharing ability with other iLife programs like iPhoto.

Perhaps if Apple created iLife APIs for programmers?

I tought you guys were not going to like my point fo view about iphoto.
And I have to agree that I hate the way it "arranges" my folders. I take a lot of photographs so I upload pictures several times a week. I get these endless folder suites with dates.

Now I know that with all those new apps you should just watch your pictures in the programm and don't bother what your computer does with it, but I come from the Os 8.6 days and I like to know where and how my stuff is kept. iphoto could be improved, like when you import files you could name your folder and tell iphoto in wich way you want him to name each picture. I used iphoto on a 1ghz powermac and god it was slow on that machine. I will see if its any good on the 2.5 g5. It should be snappier there. :D
belair said:
I tought you guys were not going to like my point fo view about iphoto.
And I have to agree that I hate the way it "arranges" my folders. I take a lot of photographs so I upload pictures several times a week. I get these endless folder suites with dates.

Now I know that with all those new apps you should just watch your pictures in the programm and don't bother what your computer does with it, but I come from the Os 8.6 days and I like to know where and how my stuff is kept. iphoto could be improved, like when you import files you could name your folder and tell iphoto in wich way you want him to name each picture. I used iphoto on a 1ghz powermac and god it was slow on that machine. I will see if its any good on the 2.5 g5. It should be snappier there. :D

I have 6GB of photos in iPhoto 4.0.1 on my 867Mhz G4 Powerbook and its very fast.
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