Is this the iPhoto killer for PC? It's now free and part of google it appears.
CubaTBird said:Is this the iPhoto killer for PC? It's now free and part of google it appears.
CubaTBird said:Is this the iPhoto killer for PC? It's now free and part of google it appears.
CubaTBird said:you guys don't get it, people will use this program and itunes combined and find little reason to go mac now that they got a iphoto like program for their pc. could be a problem for apple
I don't think anyone switches to a mac because he needs iphoto. They switch because they are fed up of windows.CubaTBird said:you guys don't get it, people will use this program and itunes combined and find little reason to go mac now that they got a iphoto like program for their pc. could be a problem for apple
oh its not. i couldn't get it to work right. and since-never wanted to use it again. people are using it though. wmedia9 is everywhere. and it is built in. which would make most pc users say iMovie isn't worth it. but i can tell that its not as good as iMovie - which isn't that good either IMO (FCP user).Kingsnapped said:How do you figure Windows Movie Maker as an iMovie killer?
abhishekit said:I don't think anyone switches to a mac because he needs iphoto. They switch because they are fed up of windows.
superbovine said:umm you don't get it. there is more reason to use a mac beside two pieces of software. personally, none of the programs influenced my choice to switch.
belair said:I tought you guys were not going to like my point fo view about iphoto.
And I have to agree that I hate the way it "arranges" my folders. I take a lot of photographs so I upload pictures several times a week. I get these endless folder suites with dates.
Now I know that with all those new apps you should just watch your pictures in the programm and don't bother what your computer does with it, but I come from the Os 8.6 days and I like to know where and how my stuff is kept. iphoto could be improved, like when you import files you could name your folder and tell iphoto in wich way you want him to name each picture. I used iphoto on a 1ghz powermac and god it was slow on that machine. I will see if its any good on the 2.5 g5. It should be snappier there.![]()