I'm trying to help my borther upgade to 10.3. I dragged his iphoto Library to his ipod then cleaned the harddrive and installed 10.3. Now how do I get all the photos and photo list to be the same as before?
Originally posted by robotrenegade I'm trying to help my borther upgade to 10.3. I dragged his iphoto Library to his ipod then cleaned the harddrive and installed 10.3. Now how do I get all the photos and photo list to be the same as before?
When I did a clean install of Panther, I simply pulled the entire "username/pictures/iPhoto Library" to my external HD, and when the install was complete, I simply pulled it back. iPhoto then loaded just like it did in Jaguar.
When I did a clean install of Panther, I simply pulled the entire "username/pictures/iPhoto Library" to my external HD, and when the install was complete, I simply pulled it back. iPhoto then loaded just like it did in Jaguar.