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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 4, 2006
I recently upgraded from an iMac G4 to a Core2Duo iMac, and subsequently I have to move my photos from an iPhoto 5 library to iPhoto 6. I copied the whole iPhoto Library folder onto an external hard drive, but I'm having trouble setting it as my library in the new version. I've tried some of the suggestions from other threads (including deleting the exisiting library in the 'Pictures' folder and replacing it, alt-opening iPhoto and selecting the library I want, et cetera). Any successful migration tips?



macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
tophergt said:
I recently upgraded from an iMac G4 to a Core2Duo iMac, and subsequently I have to move my photos from an iPhoto 5 library to iPhoto 6. I copied the whole iPhoto Library folder onto an external hard drive, but I'm having trouble setting it as my library in the new version. I've tried some of the suggestions from other threads (including deleting the exisiting library in the 'Pictures' folder and replacing it, alt-opening iPhoto and selecting the library I want, et cetera). Any successful migration tips?


Have you tried placing a "link" in the Pictures folder to the iPhoto folder that in one th external drive.? My IPhoto library lives on a file server and it works fine. You may want to do that too if you hace more than one mac, so both can access the same iPhoto library (but then you'd need to have 6.0 on both machines)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 4, 2006

The problem isn't really a matter of where it is, but rather the fact that iPhoto 6 won't recognize the photos. If I do the alt-open and do the 'select library' option, it just says there are no photos. Similarly, if I delete the files regarding thumb indexing and such, it says that it has to update the thumbs but then still does not load any photos . . .


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
When you first started up iPhoto, wasn't there a little message window asking you whether you want to import photos from an existing library? I think that's what I did. :confused:
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