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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 20, 2009
Near London, UK.
For some reason iPhoto has started adding the names in my address book as suggestions when I start typing a name. As I have 100x as many names in my address book as I do people in iPhoto, this is annoying. Today is the first time its done this after about two weeks of using iPhoto.
Previously for example, if I typed 'C' I might get suggestions of (say) Claire, Clarence and Clara (all existing names in iPhoto) now its also adding CDWOW and other companies whose email addresses happen to begin with 'C' :D

A minor irritation in the scheme of things but an irritation all the same.

I was going to say I haven't changed anything at all but I've just realised one change I made yesterday that may have triggered this - I dragged address book off the dock. Dragging it back on hasn't helped :confused:


macrumors G3
Jan 24, 2008
This feature was added in the latest iPhoto update. I don't know of any way to turn it off. I believe that names previously used in iPhoto are sorted first, so this should not add any extra clicks.
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