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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2007
My photo's in Iphoto are all blurry. I tried to rebuild but it did not help. I am using Iphoto 08. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Jan 30, 2006
Are the photos blurry when seen in full screen mode?

Or only the thumbnails are blurry?

If it is the later, hold Command and Option and open iPhoto, then rebuild everything. Make sure you have a backup of you photos.:)


macrumors member
Mar 9, 2006
I've noticed that w/ iPhoto '08, when importing images the thumbnails will be all blurry and fuzzy. However once imported they will be fine.

Think it's an iPhoto bug.


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2008
Why wait?

sometimes just waiting a few moments will help them clear up.
This is what's driving me crazy - every time I scroll in iPhoto 6 (under 10.4 Tiger), the thumbnails go blurry! About 1 second after I stop scrolling, they snap back to "normal". The size of the thumbnails (as I'm viewing them) is less than the size of the stored thumbnail on disk, so iPhoto shouldn't have to re-read the original to create the thumbs, nor scale up the thumbs on disk to show them on screen.

It's almost like they're intentionally made blurry during scrolling, and then when you're done, the snap back back into focus.

This is incredibly annoying! I'm tempted to go back to iPhoto 5, but there's probably something else I'm using in iPhoto 6 that I'd find I couldn't live without either. And, yes, this definitely came during the iPhoto 6 upgrade a few months ago.

Does everyone/anyone have this same behavior?


macrumors 68000
Dec 17, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I have seen this also. i think iPhoto does this to improve the performance of the scrolling. If you have ever used iPhoto on an older machine, you will see that the scrolling can be very slow.

I assume the maximum speed of scrolling is directly related to the amount of detail you are attempting to scroll. By making the images a lower resolution during the scroll, iPhoto gets faster scroll performance. When the scroll stops, iPhoto draws in the higher resolution images.

On my MBP, this is related to the number of thumbnails that show in a window. If I make the thumbnails smaller (thus increasing the number of images in the window), the "blur" shows up.

Making the thumbnails larger (and decreasing the number of images in the window), make the blur go away.

I don't have anything to prove this, but that's my guess for what is going on here...


macrumors newbie
Jan 13, 2008
Thanks - that's pretty much what I guessed. I rebuilt the thumbnails, and it's still there, so it seems you're right.

My Mac isn't blazing (1.25GHz G4 MDD), but I'd take the performance hit to save the back-and-forth between blurry and in-focus. Drives me bonkers... :(
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