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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 28, 2003
I am assuming 2.0 is the OS on the new "this friday" ipods, so if the "old" ipods just got 1.3 and there is no on-the-fly playlists or new games......what makes anyone think that 2.0 would be available to the "old" ipods??

why would Apple release 1.3 on monday and then 2.0 on friday?

It doesnt make sense to me, but i still hope us "old ipoders" get the new stuff.

on-the-fly playlist
on-the-fly ratings
I've heard the new iPods have a better processor that would be able to support all this.

Regardless, all these extra features do is take up space that could me used for music. I got an ipod to play music and that's it.
the older ipods would easily be able to use these functions, I read somewhere that the older iPods could be used to burn cds if they had the firmware to do so. The space issue shouldn't be problem, its not gonna be a huge set of files, i would have thought a max of 10-15mb download, when you have a minimum of 5gb of space is that really a lot? If apple doesn't release this on their own then i'm sure that someone will find a way to get it to work.
I dont think that V2.0 of the iPod OS will be available for the old ipods (which would be really annoying), but as you say, i dont think they would have released the two of them so close to each other....
i have a 20 gb ipod, i'll worry about adding in a few Mb of features over that extra few mp3's
The ipod os is not stored on the HD. It is stored in ROM. The old ipods will not get the new features beyond aac. Sorry....
i think the only featuers that will be left out are things like usb 2.0 and the docking station. I really hope apple comes thru and updates all the pods.
also i suggest you file one of these reports. Apple tends to listen to its customers and maybe if enough respond they will listen (think tabs in safari). I really hope all current goodipod owners fill out this form and request all possible features in the new ipods.
As mentioned above, the OS is probably stored in ROM. I would say flash ROM to be precise. I am guessing that the new iPod's have a larger flash ROM and can thus have a larger OS, thus more features.

Believe me, Apple is not trying to rip anyone off with old iPods. I am sure they tried to squeeze everything they could into the capability of the old hardware.
(Maybe that's the embedded software engineer in me talking!)
so we get aac playback instead of on-the-fly playlist or on-the-fly ratings or txt notes or games....

choices choices

ill take games and onthefly playlists, i think i will use those more than aac, how much music will i buy from apple?
very small % of the music i already have in mp3, so stuff aac until i buy a new ipod in a year, give me the onthefly stuff and games
Except that the iPod is first and foremost a music playing device, so of course Apple's going to make sure the old ones can play their new music format, before adding any games or calender or note features.

*edit* plus, AAC is not just for music bought from Apple. It is recommended that you rip, or even re-rip, any cds into AAC. It stores more quality in less space. This essentially makes it possible to have even more music on your iPod at the same quality as before.

AACs you rip yourself are not restricted under any of the DRM rules.
I think a different OS for each generation of iPod will be confusing to many people. Imagine if there were different OSX updates for the various generations of Power macs (one for the sawtooth, another for quicksilver, another for the Mirror Drive Door, etc.).

Hopefully, we'll all get 2.0.
everyone will get 2.0
after the new iPods come out friday, they will release a software update. they won't leave loal customers in the dust with 1.3, which only gives AAC support and iTunes 4 ability.
they don't want people to say "oh, i can just get an older one and still get all of those features."
people will buy the new iPods partially because of the features on the OS.

and i do think hat the iPod's OS is stored in the ROM because it is only firmware. (i think)
if you have mactracker, look at the specs for the old iPods, they use a 133Mhz processor!
FYI. An Apple rep posted re this on the Apple discussion boards.

The iPod v2.0 software is ONLY for the new iPods.
v1.3 is ONLY for the old iPods.

Which blows, but still at least we iPod owners can use the AAC coding.

As other people have suggested, if you don't like it, let them know - ie iPod feedback form.

i forgot to say this earlier, but people will probably find ways to ge the features, or at least the games onto the older iPods.
apple specifically says in the install that this is only for dock connector ipods. the new ipods are completly different, they software wont be compatible. the new ipods are all touch, new dock connector, new remote, new screen, new lights, screen backlit fades in and out. im sure there is more too it then we know. so far i havent found anything i could live without on the new os. i dont like the new games. i got to 1000 on parachutes and it stopped working. i do like the new main menu selection. i have just what i want. the notes will come in handy, maybe for tests :)

on the disc that comes with he iPod, there is a iPod version 2 software installer. im gonna try it on my brother's iPod a little later.:D
hopefully it will work.
Originally posted by bennetsaysargh
on the disc that comes with he iPod, there is a iPod version 2 software installer. im gonna try it on my brother's iPod a little later.:D
hopefully it will work.
It won't.
There are (to me) 3 major selling points for the new (3G) iPods:
1. Storage.
2. Design (Dock, cables, everything physical).
3. OS features.

If v2.0 was avaliable for the older iPods (With games, on the go, etc.), there goes one of the selling points.

They may in the future if the release a (4G) iPod series but don't hold your breath for too long.
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