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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 12, 2008
I have messed with this thing for hours and cannot figure it out.

I synced 612 language learning mp3s, divided into 55 separate Units. Each Unit is meticulously tagged such that it goes in order from Unit 1 to Unit 55.

However, no matter what I do, this stupid thing refuses to display them in order. Itunes has no problem displaying them starting with 1 and going to 55, but the iPad always swaps the 55th unit and the 1st unit.

Maybe this is a little OCD, but I just can't fathom what would be causing this. I mass tagged all 55 units with the same genre, year, and artist. The only other information in the tag is the name of the album, which are all Unit 1, Unit 2, etc. and the track numbers (each Unit starts at Track 1 and goes to whatever).

Any ideas? The only thing I did find to "fix" the problem was to set Unit 1 to year 2004, Units 2-54 to year 2005, and Unit 55 to year 2006. This looked good, except then it took some random unit like 44 and moved it out of place.

Yes, this drives me nuts. Everything sorts right in my iPhone; why should the iPad be so functionally different? I've been using SoundHound instead, just to have everything sorted right. (My iPad is jaikbroken, so I'm able to run SoundHound in the background like the iPod app using Backgrounder.) Soundhound's not a perfect solution, but at least I can find an album I'm looking for under an artist as quickly as I can on my iPhone or Mac.
What's really weird is it sorts out correctly in album view and genre view, it's just artist view that flips things around.

I am glad I am not the only one having this problem, b/c I was beginning to wonder if there was something really obvious I was overlooking
Your easiest - and best - solution is to use AudioBook Builder. You can build "books" of mp3s to create M4a or M4B (bookmarkable) files. Your individual files will appear as chapters and will stay permanently in the selected order. Well worth the $10. Trying to create order with 612 individual files is just asking for trouble.
Your easiest - and best - solution is to use AudioBook Builder. You can build "books" of mp3s to create M4a or M4B (bookmarkable) files. Your individual files will appear as chapters and will stay permanently in the selected order.

+1 Nice program - results end up in the audiobooks section (which is nice) and you can change the read speed - not always for comedy effect.
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