Posted once before, but have not found a solution. iMac, OSX 10.3.9 trying to install new ipod software so my 3G iPod will update and download music I've purchased. I get a prompt that says "You will not be able to update your ipod with music you've purchased because your ipod software is too old. Download the latest ipod software @" Ok. Tried to do this about a dozen times* when I get to the step where I'm supposed to enter my adminstrator password to install the update instead of getting a window that asks for my password, I get the prompt "Cannot find ipod firmware image" and I'm stuck there. Can't even manually drag "purchased music" onto my iPod.
Will some Mac genius PLEASE HELP! I've got hundreds of $$ worth of tunes I can't put on my iPod.

Will some Mac genius PLEASE HELP! I've got hundreds of $$ worth of tunes I can't put on my iPod.