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macrumors 601
Original poster
May 29, 2005
My iPod, the 20GB 4G non color screen woke up today with the exclamation point and a folder on it :( The computer(pc) can't recognize the iPod and when it does (sometimes) the iPod update can't do anything to help the situation. Right now i'm charging it

and sometimes it makes this "click" sound

kinda scares me :(!
I'm going to put this in another area too to get most help possible.
Duff-Man says....
1) Sounds like maybe the drive in your iPod is going. If giving it a full charge does not help then try using the "restore" feature and reloading your songs afterwards. But if it's a bad drive then it'll fail regardless.
2) Read the forum rules - do not cross post the same thing in multiple forums, and use *descriptive* titles for your threeads (ie not HELP!)
.....oh yeah!
I feel your pain

My 40g non color ipod did the same thing my friend....i feel your pain...i took it into an apple store today and they said that it is the hard drive and there is nothing you can do. SO they are givin me a new one..i suggest you do the same!
I did a full charge, nothing, it won't charge from the power source, just the computer, and it gets REALLY hot.

I guess i'll have to send it in because my apple store is like 1.5 hours away, bought it on line.


well atleast mine isn't broken :eek: the 20gb is my bro's ... mine is the 30gb in my sig
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