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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 7, 2003
Cambridge, MA
i recently reformatted my computer. When i went to plug in my ipod hoping to download all my music back to my computer it gave me a dialogue box saying that the ipod isn't currently linked to this itunes and should it do it now. I said yes and it now says i have no songs on my ipod. the weird thing is that the amount of space on my computer is 6 gigs (i do have os x installed on the ipod but nothing else) How can i go about retrieving these songs that seem lost in limbo?
i hate to say it, but it seems that you lost your music, if you linked your ipod to your new iTunes Library that contained nothing, then your iPod would be completely earased, i have no idea whats up with the hard drive though
if you reformatted your computer without saving your music to anywhere other then your ipod... you've probably lost it all. when your computer asked you if you wanted to sync your ipod to the library, it synced in the direction opposite of what you wanted: it made your iPod match your (now empty) library. which = erasing your iPod.

tough break. please accept our condolences.
excalibur313 said:
So there is no way to use norton utilities to retrieve all my songs?

Not if you completely reformatted your HD

You will need to load them back on from your CDs ;)
Takes a little time, but not a total loss

You would have needed a 3rd party app to rip back from your iPod to the computer anyway

Any music purchased from ITMS will be lost I suppose
Before you do anything else, check a site like to see if there's a utility out there that helps recover songs erased from an iPod. Their forums should be helpful. Good luck.
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