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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 29, 2008
I know this is an ipod question, but it I posted it in the ipod section, but it seems kind of dead there. So I know you guys are on top of things and very active so I was hoping you wouldn't mind me asking it here.

I did a jailbreak on my friends ipod touch first gen. After the jailbreak he no longer has on screen volume controls. The first gen doesn't have physical keys so this is obviously a problem.

I used the correct firmware version for the jailbreak. I first did a "shift - restore" and pointed it to that firmware (3.0) and at that point the volume controls were there so I continued with the jailbreak. After that - no volume controls on either the music or the you tube app.

Any ideas???

Try plugging in headphones. I updated a friends iPod touch to 3.0 and it is not jailbroken, and the Voulme slider is gone, but appears when headphones are plugged in.
Try plugging in headphones. I updated a friends iPod touch to 3.0 and it is not jailbroken, and the Voulme slider is gone, but appears when headphones are plugged in.

Wow, you were right it was his headphones! Who woulda thunk it? He bought new headphone and it worked. Something was wrong with his old headphones I guess. I love this site, there is always someone with the right answer. Thanks again!!
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