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Air King

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 2, 2016
I have an iPad Pro and want to be able to have Evernote open on one half of the screen and a web browser open on the other half and move sections of images over without having to take a screen capture and then edit it with cropping. On my MacBook Air I would do this with Command-Control-Shift-F4, and then paste. Is there a way to do it here? If it's only a simple picture, sometimes I'm able to just select it and copy/paste, but often this just results in a black block being pasted. Sometimes it will be, say one slide from a PowerPoint presentation that includes text and images, so a simply select image doesn't work.

Tips or suggestions?


macrumors 601
Sep 16, 2014
I'm afraid if you can't save or copy the image by doing a long press on it in Safari, your a bit limited. You can, as you mentioned just take a screenshot.

But if you use Evernote, it also has a share extension for Safari. With that, you just press the little box with an arrow in the middle of the screen on the bottom toolbar of Safari. Select Evernote from the list of apps at the top and the entire web page will be sent right into your Evernote notebook of choice.
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